Chapter 5

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The next morning in the living realm, Druce walked out to the back yard to do some yard work since the city fined him for not mowing it at all and many violations of trash and out of control growth.

   "God, this is bullshit." He said to himself before he went to the shed to get the mower out and tried to start it.

   "Yo Jack! Bring me that gas can, would you?!" He asked.

Jack walked out of the backdoor and brought the filled gas can to him. Druce had trouble filling it since he had only one working eye. Jack helped him out and filled the tank of the mower.

   "This is bullshit, the damn fucking authorities fining us just because our grass is a little too high." Druce complained.

   "It's more than that." Jack says as he got the edger ready.

    "Yeah well, we better get this done, I want to have some fun later tonight since it is a Saturday after all." Druce says as he started mowing the yard.

The Grimore still lays hidden in the tall grass.

Meanwhile in hell, I was sleeping in under the soft covers until Charlie knocked on the door and came in to wake me up.

    "Time to get up Stan. I made some breakfast for you." Charlie says as she pulled the covers of me.

"Ok, ok, I'm up." I said as I yawned a bit.

As I was about to walk out of the room and headed to the dining area for breakfast. Charlie unexpectedly picks me up and carries me there.

   I was confused why, but I just let her carry me there. She puts me down on the chair and pushes it in for me and sits down as well as we waited for everyone else to join.

I saw Vaggie come in and she gave me a warm smile before she sat next to me. A few butlers came and served the food onto the table, and I saw the great smell of blueberry pancakes, sausage, bacon, and scrambled eggs. Just then everyone finally came and joined in. Angel Dust was only wearing in his robe and Vaggie immediately covered my eyes.

"Dang it Angel! We have a child now. Go get changed!" Vaggie shouted.

"Ok sheesh. He doesn't mind." Angel says.

"He's only 8 years old. Please be more appropriate around him." Charlie suggested.

He sighed and went back to his room to change. Vaggie then removed her hand that was covering my eyes and started making my plate while Charlie poured some orange juice into my glass. As she served my plate, the food looked amazing in front of me.



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As Angel finally came back in appropriate clothing, we all started eating together and I enjoyed how good the breakfast was that I already finished my plate.

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