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The next day, I went to the house and started checking up on which furniture I wanted to take to Dallas. I also packed a few more clothes for Juice to take with me. While I worked, I called companies willing to get the furniture to Dallas for a low Price. "Thank you, Wayne, so much. Bye, you the best." After a long conversation with Wayne, I hung up the phone. Who was willing to get a load to Texas for me, only paying him around 200 Dollars for some gas? "Alright, Boys, let's get back to the kids before Happy calls me in a panic," I told Ace and Echo, who joined me at the house. At the Clubhouse, I saw Tig sitting on the couch with Amelia and Bobby beside him with Theo. "Where is Hap?" I asked Bobby. "Here." I heard him from the room next door. Happy came out of the kitchen with Cody on his arm and the bottle for him in the other, struggling to close it. "Here, let me do that." I took the bottle from him, closed it, and started to feed Cody, who was enjoying his time with Uncle Happy. "You know when you are leaving?" Hap asked. "Im leaving with the kids in a few days, and Juice will join us when the shit with the Irish is done." I replied with a smile and a light kiss on Cody's Head. "You guys okay for twenty minutes? Im hitting the shower quick." I looked between the boys back and forth. "Yeah, don't worry about us." Bobby quietly said. "You're the best boys. I'll be fast." I was walking toward the hallway when I heard fast steps behind me. "Im coming with you." Juice yelled with his shirt off, grabbing me around the waist and lifting me. I giggled and squeaked, holding on to him with my arms around his neck and my legs wrapped around his waist. He ran to our room, and I already knew the boys would tease us later. In our room, we got rid of our clothes and jumped into the shower, still very close to each other. After some long snuggles, we got out smiling and giggling. Dressed in some fresh clothes, we walked outside hand in hand, but I stopped in the kitchen to talk to him quickly before rejoining the boys with the kids. "Listen, I wanna tell you what happens during the next few weeks. Just be careful, alright?" I whispered. "Don't worry about me, Darlin'. Im going to be careful and join you in Dallas." Juice kissed me on the forehead. "Come on, let's get our kids." Juice took my hand. We walked into the living room. "Ah, the happy couple is back. You feeling better?" Happy asked. "First of all Fuck you, and second, I wasn't feeling sick or anything, you dumb shit." I winched my eyes together, saying that to him. "Ohh Buhu." I rolled my eyes and flipped him off while Juice took Amelia from Tig. "Just admit you gonna miss me when I'm gone." I said, taking Theo from Bobby, who was happy to have her off. "Yeah, well, my best friend Lexi." Happy shrugged lightly. "Gee, thanks." I waved him off but had to laugh. Three days later, I was at the house with Juice and Happy to get the furniture we wanted, so the boys packed them into the Truck in front of my Bike, which was ready to get to Dallas to be driven around the streets. "Alright, Boys, Time for a break. You look exhausted." I called into the Living room, where Juice and Hap carried the table out of the house. "Isn't all this stuff your Moms?" Juice asked when they were back inside, taking the beer from me. "No, because it's my house." I replied. Wayne walked in from the garden, where he sat with the dogs while the boys had been in and out of the house all day. "You ready?" he asked. "Yeah, just the three boxes with Dishes and pots, and then you can head out." I said with a smile, pointing to the Boxes I had filled. "Alright, each can carry one, and then we can close, and I can get going." Wayne said. We all grabbed a box; I had the heaviest but pushed through and got the box in the Truck. "Alright, Wayne, safe travel, and I will see you in Dallas." I hugged the older man before we headed back to the Clubhouse, and he drove into the evening night while Juice and I spent the last two days with the kids together before we went separate ways, hopefully meeting up in Dallas soon after. "You really wanna do this?" Jax asked early in the morning while I was ready, packed, and ready to drive to Dallas. "Yeah, I have to, Brother." I sighed before we hugged, and I got into the car I bought to drive for almost two days to Dallas. It was super sad to leave all this behind, but I was sure it was the right thing to do. "See you soon, my Love." Juice kissed me one last time; he stepped back, letting Tig walk up to the car. He passed me a necklace with an "A" dangling down. "I know you still hate me, and I also hate myself-." I interrupted him by giving him a big hug. "I forgive you, Alexander." I whispered into his ear. I drove off into the morning light with the kids in the back, Ace between them, and Echo with me in the passenger seat. "Let's go on an adventure." I whispered to Echo, patting his head. After a rough drive, we arrived, seeing Unsers Van standing outside the house with Wayne carrying Boxes into the house. I parked the car and helped him get the stuff into the house. 

SAMCROWS adopted daughter (SOA/Juice FF)Where stories live. Discover now