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After landing in Manchester, we drove with a car to the port, where we boarded a boat. While most of the others went to sleep in cabins, I stayed awake, standing at the front of the ship while we drove towards Ireland in the distance. "Aren't you tired?" Opie walked up behind me. I shook my head. "No, I miss my Dog." I sighed when I noticed the cold air making me shiver. Something laid over my shoulders, and I saw Ope's Jacket when I looked. "Aren't you freezing?" I asked, looking at him in his shirt. "I'm going back inside in a second." Opie placed his hands on my shoulders. "I miss my kids and Lyla." I placed my head on his chest. "Lex, where are you?" Juice called for me behind us. "I'm here having my Titanic Moment with Ope." I said as a joke, making him chuckle. Eventually, I went to my cabin with Juice and slept for a few hours until we reached Ireland. At the Irish port, we were greeted by the SOA Belfast Chapter waiting for us. "We got you some bikes," Luther told Clay. "For me, too?" I asked, looking behind Clay's Shoulder. "Aye, I was told you were coming, and you're also riding," Luther said. I walked over to one of the bikes and sat on one similar to mine back in Charming. "That's a nice bike." I moved up and down, looking at where Luther was standing. "Glad ye like it," he called back. I put on the ridiculous helmet hanging on the bar handle. "Jesus Fucking Christ, this shit thing is messing up my hair," I growled. "Here, doll, take this one." Chibs gave me him when I was happy without the messy hair. I looked around, and seeing Juice behind me, we drove off. He was right by my side, and while I wasn't looking forward, I had an eye out to the side. The only things I saw were green fields and a few trees. A nudge from the side made me look forward. Ope and Bobby turned left, so I did the same, stopping behind Bobby. I took my helmet off and noticed the three guys waiting for us. Clay and one of the men hugged. When I got off walking over to my brother, Chibs came running from behind me, hugging the second guy who had long black hair lifting him. "Too long, brother." I heard the guys say. When I was close enough, I saw the pres patch on his Kut. "Good to see you, Keith." Clay and Keith shook hands. "Travel well?" he asked. "We're all in one piece," Clay said as Jax and I stepped closer. "All right, great, great." Keith seemed happy, but I wasn't so sure. "You must be Clay's Stepdaughter." Keith walked over when he noticed me. "Adoptive stepdaughter, but yes, that's me." I only smiled briefly when I saw the black-haired guy stare at me. Chibs walked over to the youngest, greeting and hugging him. "Good to see you. Look at you. You little bastard. Come here! Grand to see you, son." Chibs and the kid hugged for the second time. "Uncle. Glad you're here, mate." I noticed a lot of respect towards my best friend from the young man. "The last time I saw this wee shite, he was in nappies." We all were laughing. "I was 15 at the time." Paddy was a little embarrassed while we laughed. "Lex, Doll, come here for a second. Lex, this is my nephew Paddy." Chibs grabbed me, pulling me over. "This little shithead is why my sanity didn't go up the roof with all the idiots around me." I giggled when Chibs said that. "Hey, Paddy, nice to meet you." I smiled when Paddy pulled me into a hug. "Nice to meet you, too." He smiled back. "Chibby told me a lot about you. Like a lot almost the whole flight." I laughed some more until the topic was changed to Fiona Chibs, Wife and Paddy's Aunt. I walked back to Juice and laid my head on his back, sitting behind him with his arms slung around him. "Hey, Monkey, you're good?" he made me smile, and I was so thankful to have him. "Mhm." I closed my eyes briefly since the jetlag kicked in but opened them when Clay signalled that we were heading off. I had a short stretch before hopping back onto the motorcycle and following Opie throughout the Irish countryside. We were stopped again on a street around ten miles after our first stop, but this time by Police. "Ah, shit, seriously." I scoffed, shutting my Motor off. "Keep cool, Lex, keep cool," Juice whispered, taking his helmet off when I saw a police officer come towards me. When my hand reached for my Jacket with my gun, I felt a hand on my arm. Juice shaking his head, I knew it was a bad Idea. "Identification." He told Juice, completely ignoring me. When he walked away, I looked at Juice, confused. "Doesn't want your ID," he whispered as the Officer approached the front. "I have a bad feeling." I mumbled while I watched the Officers when everything went so quickly. "Down! Dow quickly on the ground! Now!" The Police officers yelled. I was shocked but obliged. "Hey, hey, hey. What's the worry here, lads?" Keith asked. "Yank brothers fled jurisdiction from California. We're detaining them. You! Here! On the ground! Now!" There was a lot of yelling while the boys around me were yanked to the ground. "Hey, don't touch him." I snapped when one Officer pulled Juice to the ground. The Officer was close to me and pushed me to the ground when all the boys yelled even more. Somebody ran past me, and when I looked up, I saw Juice smacking the Officer who pushed me.

SAMCROWS adopted daughter (SOA/Juice FF)Where stories live. Discover now