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Roosevelt looked between Tara and me back and forth. "Who is Cody?" he asked both of us. "The Baby I Found. I decided to call him Cody." I quickly explained. "Ah, Yes. The authority allowed you to adopt him," he said with a smile. I looked over to Juice. "I'll drive behind you." I smiled, walking back to Juice. We hugged before I walked to my bike. "You're coming?" I called for my husband. "Why?" he asked. "Because I wanna head to the hospital afterwards to see our son," I said, smiling. Juice looked worried at Clay, but he gave him a short nod. Juice walked to his bike, and we drove first to the police station, where I got off my bike, kissed Juice and walked alone to the door where Roosevelt waited for me. We walked inside and into his office, where we sat, "So, where is the paper to sign?" I asked, curious, looking over the desk with some papers lying around. "Well, I brought you here because I need your help with something, for that you get to adopt the kid," Roosevelt said. "Are you blackmailing me?" I asked, slightly frustrated. "Well, I would say it's more a favour for a favour Alexis." Roosevelt smiled slightly. "Oh hell no, I won't be a rat for you," I screamed. "Miss Ortiz, I just want you to be an informant about the sons, that's all," he explained calmly. I huffed and got out of my seat. "Find somebody else to be a mole for you. I won't do it." I walked over to the door. "Does your husband know about your other career you had?" Roosevelt asked. When I turned to face him, he turned the computer screen towards me, showing a video of me dancing in my Nightbird costume. "That's me, how did you get this?" I asked him when the video was interrupted by the police showing up. I knew it was the night my club got raided. "So? Does your husband know about this little secret of yours?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, making me scoff. "Yeah of yours. He knows about it," I said, giving him a quick look before returning to the screen. "Oh, and if you wanna ask about the club. They know as well, so try to find something to bribe me with, and unless you have something to sign, I'm going to leave." I gave him a big fake smile, turning away from the table and walking back to the door. "Fine." I turned a second time to face him, seeing him pulling out a sheet of paper from a file. I read through the adoption papers before signing them. "Have a nice day, sheriff." I passed him another super fake smile and walked outside with a copy of the paper in my hand, waving at Officer Eglee on my way, cheering on the inside until I was out. Juice smiled when I came running up with the paper in my hand. "Im so happy Babe." We kissed before we got on the bikes and drove to St. Thomas. There, we got off, and finally, I told him what Roosevelt wanted from me. "Jesus Christ, what did you say?" Juice asked while walking towards the NICU. "He can suck it and find somebody else to do this shit," I told Juice with a scoff. "And by the way, it won't be you because I guess he has nothing against you. He had the raid video from the LVPD he tried to pressure me with but couldn't get through to me." I took his hands with the ring on his finger that I put there a few months ago. "Youre, my little nutshell of a wife, and I love you." Jucie smiled, placing his head slightly against mine. "I love you too, come on, let's meet the little one." I pulled him through the door and towards Cody's room. "Here he is." I smiled, walking into the room. "That reminds me of when Abel was that small and had to be in the box," Juice whispered. "Yeah, but I think he won't be as long as Abel," I whispered. I looked closer at the Face of the Baby, who turned his head when I touched the plastic. "Hey buddy, how are you feeling?" I whispered, smiling when an Arm was set around my waist. "Hi Cody, finally meeting you," Juice said, leaning against the box. "That's your Daddy Cody. We will be happy to bring you home, hopefully soon." I smiled, placing my head on his shoulder. The door behind us opened, and a nurse walked inside. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "Visiting our Kid, I have the adoption papers here." I told her, showing her the sheet I had in my pocket. "Cody is a great name for him. He's been fighting." the nurse said with a light smile. "When can I hold him?" I asked her. "Sit down." The nurse walked over to the box while I sat down with Juice next to me. "Here you go." The Nure passed me Cody, who only had a cannula for oxygen and a needle in his arm for the infusion. Juice sat down next to me, placing his arm around me. "When is he able to come home?" I asked the nurse. "I will talk to the doctor, and then she will get in touch with you." she smiled while I looked between the nurse and Cody back and forth. "Alright, thank you so much." I was so glad to have Juice by my side. "You wanna hold him?" I asked my husband, who nodded. We swapped places, and I passed him, Cody. "You think he's gonna have a normal life?" Juice asked after a while. "I think so. I mean, he has nothing neurological order physical, right?" I asked the nurse who was close by. "He is wonderful and will have a great life with your loving family." she smiled. "That sounds like a plan for us." Juice smiled down at Cody, sleeping in his arms. 

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