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After a walk with the babies and the dogs, I walked inside the courtyard and saw Mom and Tara getting out of the car and heading to the clubhouse. "What happened?" I asked, walking behind them when I saw Chibs standing beside the table, holding a shoulder wound from Marcus Alvarez. "Jesus Christ, what the fuck?" I left the stroller near the couch and walked over to the table. "What happened?" I asked, looking at Chibs. "I got shot. That happened." I heard the pain in his voice. "Who did that?" I asked Chibs and Juice, who approached me. "We're trying to figure out who. Jax is following the car which was shot from." Juice said. I turned to my husband. "A drive-by again?" I asked, and he nodded. "Who would do that?" I wondered when I heard my Babies wining. I walked out, taking Amelia out when Tig moved into sight and took Theo out. "Thanks, Tiggy." I held her close, stepping back. Juice was standing on the foot side of the table but walked over, taking Theo from Tig. "Keep the pressure on the wound," Tara said as she walked past me next to Chibs when Clay entered the room. "You got any Idea who this was?" he asked Alvarez while I stayed next to Juice. "Some Guy that wanted me dead." He answered. "Well, he almost got his wish. Two more inches, he would have hit an artery." Tara filled a syringe with medication. "It's a Local. It'll help a little," she explained as she poked him with the needle. "Thanks. What happened to you? Jax was very concerned." I heard Alvarez say. Tara looked over at us. "Ask them. I have to disinfect," she said and walked away. "She found a Note in her Car, Death threat," Clay explained. I nodded when Juice touched my shoulder. "A death threat? Babe, you knew about this?" he asked. "Jax only told me this morning when he talked to me while I was at work. I thought he talked to you." I wondered when Alvarez chimed in. "You two don't fight. You have a family to care for," he said while I faced Juice. "Shit," Alvarez said all of a sudden. "What?" Clay and I asked at the same time. "Been hearing rumours. Galindo lost a hit squad last week. Found them butchered and burned. " Alvarez said while he smoked a joint, probably for the pain. "So you're saying that this might be the other cartel?" Tig asked who was close to the door. "Who else do you think it was, dumbass?" I asked with frowned eyes. "Lobo Sonora?" Tig said. I looked at him, confused. Tig quickly explained that this was a rival cartel, which was troubling. Tara walked in and started working on the shoulder. "Can you give him something for the pain?" I asked Tara. "I gave him some, but he will feel a little bit when Im working on him," Tara said. Chib's phone started ringing. When I heard who was on the other side, I walked around to Chibs. "Oh yeah, she's right here next to me," Chibs said and listened to what my brother said or asked. "She's also here patching up Alvarez," Chibs said. He passed me the phone. "Jax, where are you? Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, Sis. Are you alright? The kids with you?" Jax asked. "Yeah, the twins are with me. I wanted to ask about9ä Cody, but Tara is busy, and I wanna go to the hospital," I said, turning away from Chibs to hide my tears. "Take Juice with you. And becare full," Jax whispered. "Thank you, Bro. I'm giving you back to Chibby." I smiled and passed the phone back to Chibs. "Can I talk to him," Tara called from the table. "Gemma, can you-." Chibs passed the phone over to Mom while I walked over to Juice. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chibs and Tig leave to help Jax wherever he was. I pulled Juice out of the room. I placed Amelia in the stroller and took Theo from Juice, but before we could leave, Chucky came walking inside. "Sheriffs here for Tara," he told me. "What he wants?" I asked, but he shrugged his shoulders. "I nodded to Tara and waited for her to follow her outside while she spoke to Roosevelt. I stayed in the shade while the kids were inside with Chucky. "Who told you someone made a threat?" Tara asked. "It was an anonymous tip." Roosevelt said with a light smile. "Well, I'm fine." Tara told him, and I walked up to her. "We're all fine, Jax, and the club are doing their best." I said, moving my arm around her waist. "Are you sure?" he asked me before turning to Tara. "You seem a little unnerved." he said, looking worried. "I just had a rough surgery this morning." Tara felt exhausted. I just held her in my arms. "Yeah, well, I hope they pull through." Tara nodded a little. "We can help you, but you know that, right?" Roosevelt walked a step closer when I felt something rubbing on my leg. A growl was coming to my ear, and I knew it was one of my dogs. "Easy, boy." I whispered. With a look down, I saw Ace standing next to me. "I appreciate that." Tara nudged me, and I placed my hand over Ace's Head. He immediately stopped growling. "Want me to leave a few of my men here?" he asked. Tara and I shared a look but agreed we wouldn't need law enforcement. "That won't be necessary." Tara said with an agreeing nod from me. "Call us if you need anything?" he passed Tara a card. I turned around to walk away, but Roosevelt called me back. "Miss Ortiz, I need you to come to the police station to sign some papers." he called out. "Is this about Cody?" I asked him, making him a little confused.

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