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They were sitting down on their bikes. Happy couldn't resist flipping me off. "I love you too, Hap." I blew him a kiss before riding off behind my brother. While driving, I sang a song sticking in my head quietly while I was sitting on my bike riding next to Tig and Happy riding behind me with Frankie. All of a sudden, shots were heard, and an explosion made us stop and look back, seeing the trucks being under attack. "Shit." I drove around with my gun ready in case, and just then, we saw a car approaching the Truck. I ran over as fast as I could, shooting my gun, knowing that Jax and the others were behind me. "Come on, Phil, get out." I grabbed Phils Hnad, trying to pull him out of the Truck, which was about to blow up while the others were getting the guns out, but with a loud boom, the Truck exploded. "Shit, you whole?" Jax asked, touching my shoulder. I nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good." I breathed heavily. "They came out of nowhere," Phil said, getting up. "Now, what the hell are we gonna do with it?" Frankie asked, pointing at the guns we had. "Cops are gonna be here soon," Chibs said, standing beside me while I tried to control my breathing. "Yer ok princess?" he asked with a hand on my back. "Yeah, I had to get Chubby out of the pickle he was in," I said, nodding to Phil. "Im sorry," Phil said in a hushed voice. "All right, let's leave the blow in the crate and stash it in the woods. Get it tomorrow."  Jax and the boys brought the two crates they saved into the woods while I tried to talk to Jax briefly. Still, he wasn't ready to speak, so I stood alone until we were ready to go home. Since the Truck blew up, I got on the bike with Chibs. Phil rode my bike back to the Clubhouse, where we swapped, and I was able to drive home finally at 3 a.m. I was home, got into the shower and then went to bed, sleeping for a few hours until Elyda came to take the kids while I went to work. I was still half asleep, but I got some Coffee and was awake when Carla came downstairs telling me Nero wasn't awake yet. "I can go up and look what's going on." I exited my chair, grabbed a fresh coffee, and went upstairs. I heard loud voices arguing behind closed doors, and when I knocked, the voices got quiet. "Come in," he called. When I walked in, I saw my Mother standing back, just wrapped in a sheet with a weapon pointing at Nero, who was standing there in a tank top and his boxer shorts. "Mom, what the fuck?" I asked, looking between Nero and her back and forth. "That's your mother?" Nero asked. "Yes, that's my mother. I'm going to go now, gauging my eyes out," I grumbled, passing the mug to Nero before walking out the door.  "Are you okay? You look Pale." Carla looked at me, worried. "I just saw my mother nacked in Nero's Bedroom. I think I have to Puke." I grumbled, sitting at my desk and working on a task I had to finish. "You okay? She didn't mention you last night." Nero said, walking over to me. I scoffed, looking up at him. "She didn't mention me? That dumb bitch if been living with her for over a decade, and she didn't even fucking mention me?" I was furious when my mother came downstairs. "You didn't mention me? Your kid?" I asked her loudly when Nero stepped between us and separated us while Carla watched from a distance. "Go Home, Lexi. You upset," Nero whispered. I knew he was right. I grabbed my bag and walked out, ignoring my mother. When I walked into the room, I saw my husband sitting at the bar with Tig and Chibs while looking over to Clay, who was on the phone. "Hey, your back." Juice smiled, and we kissed when I looked over Argyle towards the murderer of my father, who had just gotten off the phone. I walked over to my brother but he walked away before I was close, so I stayed next to Happy, leaning against his shoulder. "You sleep? You look awful, nightbird." he quietly told me. "I have for around five hours before heading to work," I told him. "I want to be here for Ope came here early from work." I hated to lie to him, but I couldn't tell anybody yet what I discovered. "I understand that." Hap nudged me and walked me out with his arms around my shoulder. We went to the cemetery while Jax talked to Ope. I walked away, heading to Pop's Grave. "Hey, Dad, I'm sorry for not telling you anything new, but I finally know what happened to you, and I'm glad." I quietly told him. "It's good to know, and I have him for it." I continued. Before I could say anything else, a whistle was heard, and when I turned around, I saw Chibs waving me over. I gave the gravestone a light smile. "See you around Pop." I kissed my fingertips before placing them on the gravestone. I walked back towards the street and crossed it, joining the others. I walked over to Ope, and when he saw me, he allowed me to hug him briefly. The Funeral was quiet and sad. I was glad Clay didn't join us. I would have killed him right here without hesitation. After the funeral, Juice and I went home and spent the evening with the kids, who were happy to see us. Amelia giggled while I was tickling her, sitting in the living room with all three kids while Juice was out to grab some food for us. Slowly, Theo, Cody and Amelia went to sleep. 

SAMCROWS adopted daughter (SOA/Juice FF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora