thirty one

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Two days after the wedding I walked the dogs to Jax's house while the twins were with Juice. I wanted to ask my brother to be the one to walk me down the aisle. "Good morning family," I called as I entered the house seeing Tara with the boys and Jax just walking out almost dressed. "Morning Sis, what's up?" Jax placed his hand on the back of my head and kissed my hair lightly. "I need to ask you something?" I said sitting down on the kitchen table. "Shoot." Jax sat down with a mug of coffee. "I'll get out of your way." Tara took the boys and left the kitchen to get them to daycare. "Bye Aunty," Abel called, I waved him goodbye before turning back to my brother. "So what you wanna ask me?" Jax asked taking a sip from his coffee. "So first of while you guys were in jail I did some digging and found this." I past Jax the piece of paper I had printed out. "Who is this?" Jax asked looking at the picture. "Juices Father," I explained to him. "That's Juice's father? Why didn't he tell me about it?" I sigh. "I guess because he left when Juice was little not remembering anything," I told him. "And yes he told me about his father leaving before Christmas," I said with a raised hand before Jax could say something. "How did you find out that Juice's father is black?" Jax asked. "What do you think? Juice taught me how to hack and I did some digging, Also I deleted the files from every database I could hack into before the new cop showed up in town." I said with a cheeky smile. "Wow Juice taught you well, I won't tell anybody. I really gotta go I have a meeting with Clay." Jax got up but I stopped him. "I wanted you to be the one to walk me down the Aisle in a few days It would be super important to me," I told Jax who looked surprised. "Sis, are you sure?" Jax asked stopping in his tracks. "Yeah, a hundred per cent," I told him. "Alrighty sure Sis I love to," Jax said smiling. "Thanks, Brother." I kissed him on the cheek and walked over to the door where I had parked the dogs not to be in anybody's way. "Come on boys let's go home and help Daddy with the babies," I said getting out the door, When I entered the house I heard nothing but when I walked into the living room I was surprised to see Juice with the babies sitting on the couch cosy him reading to them from a babies book. I walked away seeing them being so good with the babies, I went into the shower and got redressed in a black crop top and a long skirt. "Hi Babe, you got back." Juice noticed me walking in. "Yeah, I was already in the shower while you took care of the kids. You looked great by the way." I smiled as I sat down taking Theo into my arms. "Thank you, Baby, Im heading out soon so do you mind taking the babies?" Juice got up passing me, Amelia. "Sure, I'll head to TM just when I'm finished getting the kids ready." We kissed and when he was gone I made some finished notes in my notebook before heading over to the nursery where the babies were sleeping so I got them ready and walked with the dogs to TM, When I entered the courtyard I saw just a few bikes in the parking lot. "Morning fuckers what's going on," I yelled as I entered the clubhouse seeing just Tig and Ope looking up to see me. "What happened to you?" Ope asked with a raised eyebrow. "Im in the wedding blues and also your Wife wanted to help so I'm dropping my kids off and heading to the studio for some wedding plans. Im so close to my dream." I was happy and made a twirl. "Alright, so you're gonna dump your kids with who?" Chibs asked. "With you moron because you had to ask," I said walking over to Ope, I kissed him on the cheek before clapping Chibs on the shoulder. "Well now you have the kids whatcha gonna do now." I heard Ope ask as I was almost out of the clubhouse, the only thing I heard from Chibs was some grumbling. I went over to the studio and sat for around two hours with Lyla about decoration and some other things since I thought about getting married in a church and not in the clubhouse, I wanted to celebrate there. "I'll meet you in Stockton tomorrow to arrange the flowers," Lyla said just as I was about to leave. "Alright see you tomorrow." I waved her goodbye and went back to my bike which was waiting for me in the parking lot. "Howdy Baby." Juice said behind me and I spun around. "Hey, handsome." I giggled seeing my soon-to-be husband on his bike sitting there waiting for me. "What are you doing here?" I said walking over to him and kissing him before leaning against his tank. "I heard from the Scottish that you dumped the kids so you can have some girl's time with Lyla." Juice said with a big smile. "Well, I was doing some planning for our wedding in two days so I couldn't bring the kids into a porn studio." I said with a chuckle. "Well true, Come on we gotta get home, the kids are waiting with your mom." Juice started his engine. "You still a lame duck." I said laughing driving off leaving only dust behind me. At Home, I drove into the garage with Juice close behind me. "I hate you sometimes." Juice shook his head. "You had a headstart babe." he said following me to the door. "You snooze you lose Baby." I cheered when Mom opened the door. 

SAMCROWS adopted daughter (SOA/Juice FF)Where stories live. Discover now