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Jax was on the verge of crying. "Abel's fine. We know he's up north. We're going to find Cameron, and we're going to bring your son home." Clay told him. "Yeah." Jax placed his hand on the picture. I knew we had to find Abel as soon as possible. The next morning, Clay, Jax, Bobby, and I met with the Grim Bastards. I drove with Opie in the Van while Bobby, Clay, and Jax were informed of us with their bikes. "Yo. What's up? How you've been? What's up, bro?" Bobby greeted T.O.'s companion with a handshake. I stayed in the back with Ope when T.O. saw me. "Hey, Princess, how have you been?" he always made me smile. "Don't call me that those fuckers will call me that if you call me that again," I growled. "But you are our little Princess." Bobby had a hand on my shoulder. I growled and gave him a light smack on the side. "Enough." Clay separated us. "Mayans are locking down Lodi, setting up distribution for heroin. Ferrying through Charming to get to Stockton Yard. I know you aren't going to let that happen. We run at this now. It turns long and bloody. Alvarez doesn't want a war any more than we do. What we need is intel. Where they process, when they mule." Clay told T.O., "All right, we can start digging. But we're going to need A.K.s, at least half dozen." I knew that without the guns, It would be impossible. "I ain't gonna have another shipment till the end of the month," Clay said. "Listen, man, it's been a long time since we had this kind of weight in our backyard, brother," T.O. said. "We may be able to find some MP5s," Clay said, T.O. nodded. "All right, that'll work." T.O. and Clay shook hands, and when we were about to head out, I saw a Jeep coming to where we were. It was Luke Jimmy's Associate. We chatted with Luke, although I listened more when we had the weapons. The boys would reach Oregon before heading north to Vancouver to find Abel. With the guns, we drove to Lins Restaurant hoping to get MP5s for T.O. "Buddha's birthday?" Clay asked as we entered, and many Asian fellas in suits walked past us. "Luncheon for my Hong Kong clients. What do you need?" Lin asked directly. "MP-5s, half dozen," Clay said while I sat down at the bar with my hand flat on the surface. "I heard about the attack," Lin said. "Deeper than that. A.B. gave Alvarez pipeline to Stockton Yard. Mayans setting up shop in Lodi. Guns are for some brothers helping us out." Lin huffed, scratching his temple. Explains why they've been giving us less resistance in Oakland." Lin said he snapped his finger, and one of the boys pulled a gun from behind the bar. He passed it to Chibs, who was standing beside me. "A new shipment from Gaza, 2K each," Lin told us. "Shit. Jew guns are a little steep." Chibs said. "That's the family rate. I'd double that price on the street." Lin nodded to the gun. "Jesus," I mumbled. "We're gifting this hardware. Ain't got that kind of up-front cash." Clay leaned at the bar. Lin turned to Jax. "You still got your Caracara contacts?" he asked. Jax nodded. "Why?. Jax asked. "Client's new favourite American pastime: Making videos with Young white porn stars. All I got are Asian whores." Lin said, making me gag a little bit. "How many bodies do you need?" Jax asked as a businessman with his little porn biz. "Four or five willing to get messy." Lin shrugged his shoulders. Jax walked a few steps away with Opie, and they whispered to each other. "Okay, personal appearances. Ten grand each." Jax said. "Come on." Lin scoffed, not happy. "Let me guess that's the family rate?" I asked my brother before he could answer. "Exactly what I was about to say." he smiled. "Give us the guns, pay us the difference in cash, charge Hong Kong Spewy whatever you want for the party flicks," Clay said, making a pretty good deal I had not so much knowledge of. "Okay, better be some high-end, lily-white pussy. Need them here by 3." After this weird meeting, Lin told us we went to Lodi to meet up with Juice and Serg. I walked up to him, we hugged, and he placed a soft kiss on my hair. "You smell nice." he whispered. "that's your shampoo, dumbass," I whispered back, and we laughed. "I got a hit for Timothy O'Dell. Arbutus Lodge, Vancouver, four days ago. Only stayed one night." Serg told us while I stayed at the door with Precious, the others gathered around Serg. "Then what?" Jax asked, worried. "Nothing after that," Juice answered, who was close behind Serg. "Could he have gotten on a plane?" Jax asked, spurious to know where his son was. "Not under that name. If it were me, I'd pick up another I.D. Keep the trail cold." Serg shook his head. "Check into the port authority records. See if he registered another boat." Clay ordered. "Limited access, man. Hunting bounties is an American privilege. I got no rights in Canada." Serg said. "So you can't do anything from here?"I asked, and Serg nodded. "Shit." Clay walked a few steps away from Serg and the group. "What do you do if you wanna find somebody north of the border?" Jax asked. "Mercenaries. I got a great guy. No questions asked, first-rate tracker. He needs cash wired to him before he'll start looking. Ten grand a head." he said. I knew I had a lot of money in a safe at home. "Do it." Jax said we drove back to T.M., where Lyla waited for Ope. I parked my bike next to her and greeted her with a hug before parking my bike next to Jax.

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