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We walked in, but none of the others noticed us. "Im right here shit heads," I grumbled behind Bobby, who turned around to look at me. "Jesus Christ, don't do that, Lex." Bobby grabbed his Chest. "Sorry, Bobby." I hugged him before heading over to the kitchen to grab some Coffee. "Did you see your Mom?" Chibs asked who had followed me to the kitchen. "At the hospital why?" I asked, taking a sip from the coffee. "Heard she was beaten up," Chibs said. "By who?" I asked remembering Moms Face. "Tig thinks Clay." Chibs said when Jax called for him. "Coming, brother." Chibs left the kitchen while I stayed, pulling my phone out of my pocket. "Hi Baby, what's up?" Mom answered the phone after the third toot. "Mom tell me who messed up youf face so I can do the same." I almost growled. "Baby no im gonna handle it okay." she said but I knew she wouldnt do anything. "Don't bullshit me, Mom. I heard from two people that you are hurt. Who did this?" I asked. "Im sorry, Baby. I'll call you later." Mom said and hung up the phone. "Seriously?" I scoffed when Bobby called for me. "Coming," I called, finished my coffee and walked outside, meeting Bobby at the Van. "You ready?" he asked, and I nodded. I kissed my husband before jumping in on the passenger side. We drove to the prison and were let inside. "Just one person can visit at a time." The guard told me, so I waited outside while Bobby was led into a room. After a while, I got nervous, and Bobby didn't return. "What happened? Im waiting for my friend." I asked a guard. "Your Friend's name?" he asked, annoyed. "Robert Munson," I told him. He walked away while I stayed where I was. He returned a while later. "He's been arrested for murder charges," he told me. "What? That's impossible." I yelled. "Come on, I want to talk to Otto Delaney," I cried. "Not gonna happen, come on." he guided me outside, and I unwillingly followed him. At the exit, I was handed my phone and the keys to the van Bobby had left with me. "You Motherfuckers will hear from me," I yelled before getting kicked out entirely. I regained strength, exited the floor, and walked to the Van. While I drove, I called my brother. "Jax, something happened. Bobby got arrested," I told him, driving the car with one hand. "What? What exactly happened?" he asked. I told him all I knew. "Shit, alright, come to the compound and stay there until I'm back," Jax told me. I agreed and hung up the phone. At the compound, Juice waited for me. When I got out, he walked over to me and hugged me. "I heard, you okay?" he asked, and I gave him a quick nod. "I got my anger out on the guard, who pretty much kicked me out after yelling curse words and obscenity at him." Juice and I smiled. "You, my fighter wife." he kissed me on the head before leading me into the clubhouse. Jax returned an hour later but had to leave again immediately, so I joined him, not knowing where we were heading. "What are we doing here?" I asked Jax as we parked our bikes. "Ope told me to meet him here," Jax told me, walking over to the building where smoke came from the chimney. "At Skeeters?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, but Jax shrugged. "Im not sure, Sis," he said and opened the door, seeing Skeeter, Unser and Ope standing around, but when I saw what Ope had in his hand, I knew something terrible had happened. "Oh my god. What happened?" Jax asked while I walked over to him, touching his arm. "I found him at the cabin, Shotgun to the Chest," Ope said, not moving from his spot. "Shit, who do you think did that?" I asked. "You think it was the Mexicans?" Jax asked next. "I'll fill you both in. I want to say goodbye. I know that he wants you here." Ope said, turning to the stove while I stayed at his side while he threw the jeans kut into the fire with the box I knew Piney was in. "You want to tell me what happened to Piney?" Jax asked after a while. "You should know. Your Clays boy." Ope growled mad. "Ope, calm down and talk to me." I said, standing in front of him. "What are you talking about?" Jax asked while I held back Ope with all my strength. "Clay killed my old man!" Ope yelled. "What, no?" I snapped airtight. "No. No Ope." Jax yelled, also shocked. "Yes! he killed my wife now, my father. Did you know about that?" Ope snapped at Jax, moving forward while I still held him back. "Stop it, Ope. Are you sure Clay killed your old man?" I asked him. "Yes, Lexi, it was him. I'm sure about that?" Ope growled at me. "We should take that to the table and let everybody know. if that was Clay, then it's a club issue." Jax said. "What Table? You out, remember?" Ope growled. "Wait, what?" I asked, turning to my brother. I could feel Ope walk past me outside, where I heard his bike start. "Ope, wait?" I yelled, running after him, but he was already gone. "Shit." Jax and I said at the same time. My bike is still okay. I'm going to drive behind him." I yelled while I got on my bike and drove off behind Ope. Soon, I was close behind him when a car was right on my bumper. I knew it was Jax. I let him pass, speeding right behind him towards the compound. "Shit." I got off my bike, didn't park it, and followed Jax inside, where I heard a commotion in the chapel. I tried to run over, but my lungs were hurting. 

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