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He turned his head. "I want to kill this Mick bastard," he growled quickly. I grabbed his hand. "I know, Chibs, I know, we will find Jimmy get Abel and then kill this son of a bitch." I looked into his eyes, which were filled with Anger. Mom and Clay walked in, and they both came up to us. "Pack some stuff you're going with Kerri and Fiona," Mom told me. "I want to stay here," I said, refusing and shaking my head. "It's not safe here. Jimmy was here while the boys were gone. They killed Michael and threatened Kerrianne, Fiona, Maureen, and me." Mom had a bit of fear in her voice. "What?" I got up, same as Chibs. "I want to stay here," I said, almost in tears. "Baby, please, I want you to be safe." Mom took my hands in hers. "Babe, listen to Gemma. She wants you to be safe, and you will be, but not here for the Moment." Juice placed a hand on my shoulder. "But what about you?" I asked Mom. "I'll be okay." Mom hugged me and sent me to my room to pack some stuff while Juice and Chibs met with Clay. I waited outside with my bag when Juice and Mom came out. Juice would come with us to protect us while Clay and the others would find Jimmy or, in the best case, Abel. "Find my nephew, okay?" I kissed Mom on the cheek before sitting on the opposite side of Kerri with Juice behind us on his bike. We arrived safely and took out rooms while I shared mine with Juice, who would be here with us all the time while Darren and he would split watch shifts with another Irish guy called Chris. I slept a little, and around dawn, I went to eat in the sitting area with Kerri and Darren while Juice and Chris were on watch shift outside. "Ye' okay?" Fiona looked at me. "I'm worried." I let out a sigh. "Don't be. Your Brother will find the lad." She was optimistic. "I hope so, too." I kept eating the vegetables and rice we had cooked. Fiona and Kerri left while I cleaned the dishes and put them away. I went to lie down on the bed. Juice joined me a few minutes later. "What's going on, Baby?" he asked, placing his head beside mine. "I'm thinking about Abel and if he's okay. I want Jax to find him." I let out a sigh. "Hell, find him. We won't give up until we find him." Juice leaned over and placed a kiss on my forehead. Juice fell asleep. I stayed awake when I heard a light vibration from the mattress. Juice was on his back, so I fell into his pocket and took his phone out. "Ortiz assistance." I quietly said because I didn't want to wake Juice up. "Who is this?" I heard Chibs' voice. "his old lady, you dipshit." I growled. "Put Juice on the phone," Chibs demanded. "He's sleeping," I whispered. "Put him on." Chibs didn't have it. "Alright, Jeez." I took the phone and placed it on his ear. "Juice." I heard Chibs yell. Juice was awake, rising from the bed. "Yeah, I'm up, yeah yeah okay oh ah shit, okay will do yeah okay." Juice hung up and got up. "We must go pack your stuff; we're in danger." That's all he said before walking out of the room. I got up and packed the bag, which wasn't much. Fi and Kerriann expected us with Darren, father Kellan, and Chris, who drove us back to the alley, where we met up with the others. When Sean knocked, Juice walked up the stairs to Maureen, and Jax walked out with Mom behind him. "What happened? What is it?" Jax asked. "Clay called and said Fiona and Kerrianne were in danger. Told us to meet here." Juice told him, still holding my hand. "What happened, son?" Kellan asked. "You're the one who twisted him up." Mom was super upset about something. "What happened, Mom? What do you mean?" I asked. "What the hell did you say to him?" Mom asked, ignoring me, but Bobby, Chibs, and Clay came driving in before she could answer. "What's going on?" Mom asked. "Sean Casey's dead. They tortured him for information." Clay said. "Had to be for Fiona's location," Chibs said behind him. Kerri ran to her Dad. "It's not for Fi, it's for the baby," Kellan said. "Abel? Why?" Jax asked. "Jimmy needs a way out of the country." Kellan explained. "Leverage? Are you crazy, older man? That is my nephew you're talking about." I growled, stepping forward but held back by Juice. "The hotel. Come on!" Jax yelled all of a sudden and ran to the bikes. Juice turned to me. "Don't kill anybody while I'm gone." He said. I nodded before he ran off to his bike. Mom and I went into Maureen's apartment and sat down. She told me what happened while I was at the rectory. "Whoa, so Jax almost screwed his half-sister?" I asked. "Yours too, and yes." Mom said, nodding. "Jesus." I shook my head in disbelief. Jax and the others came back, but without Abel, he was gone. Kellan and Jax talked until Jimmy contacted them and said he would give Abel to Jax to leave the country. Jax left Maureen's apartment with Kellan, so we had to wait and hope. "Can you, sit still?" Mom was sitting on the couch behind me while I paced back and forth, awaiting Father Kellan's arrival and my Brother's arrival. "Hon, come on, stay still." I stopped for a second when a Knock came on the door. I ran over and opened it. "Hey, your back, little man. Can I hold him?" Jax passed me the Baby while he hugged Mom and Clay.

SAMCROWS adopted daughter (SOA/Juice FF)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu