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Without a problem, I got them to bed when Juice was back. "Im back. Where are the kids?" he asked, looking around. "Sleeping got them to bed just now," I whispered, taking the box with my pasta and placing it onto a plate. The next day, I didn't go to work, which was okay. Nero told me to come back when I calmed down a little, so I went to the Clubhouse with the kids and the dogs, who were happily running around. "Boys, knock it off." Ace and Echo were barking around Phil and Happy, who wasn't faced, while Phil shrieked back. I apologized and told the dogs to go in the shade, which they did while I sat on the table when Chibs, Happy and Juice came up to me talking. Roosevelt came driving in, got out of his car and walked over to us. When he stood close in front of me, I felt somebody stepping in front of me. Happy behind was just inches away from my face. "Hap, seriously, I don't wanna kiss your ass. I got Tig to do that." I smack him out, looking up to Roosevelt. "Where is Jax? I heard he's your new president," he asked, looking between the boys and me back and forth. "He's not here. You think we hide him somewhere?" I asked. "Yeah, what do you want?" Chibs asked, leaning forward. "Are you aware of the violence here in CHarming?" Roosevelt asked, telling us about the attacks happening. "You think we don't know that?" I asked, getting frustrated when my brother showed up with Bobby. "Bobby." All the boys yelled, running up to him while I stayed back. "How's your family doing?" Roosevelt asked. "Great, if you wouldn't annoy the fuck out of me," I grumbled, walking over to Bobby. "Welcome Home, Uncle Bobby." I smiled as he hugged me tight. "Thanks, Lex. How's Cody doing?" Bobby asked while he held my hand. "Doing great." I smiled, nodding my head. The Boys went inside for a meeting while I fed the kids and walked the dogs for a round. When I returned, I saw Clay walking into the Clubhouse. He looked beaten since the last time I saw him, but I honestly was still fuming with rage. While the kids napped, I did some stuff in the office since Mom was somewhere with Nero. I didn't know and wanted to know. That Night, I got woken up by Police knocking on my door. "Im sorry to wake you both. Can you tell us where we can find your brother Jax?" Roosevelt asked when Juice walked up behind me. "I don't know where they are. Me and Juice were Home almost all afternoon with the kids." I told him. "Thank you. Call us if he gets in touch with you." he passed me a card and left, taking his officers with him. "Can you stay here with the kids? I think I know where they might be." I told Jucie while I got dressed. "Tell them to be safe." Juice kissed me before I headed out the door, driving off into the Night and doing weird turns before heading to DIOSA. When I just walked in, a client and two girls walked outside. "Sorry, Carla doesn't like surprises." I heard Nero say as I entered. Walking further, I saw Chibs, Bobby Jax and Mom. "Yeah, neither do I. What the hell are you guys doing here?" I asked my brother. "There-." Mom said, but I interrupted her. "I wasn't talking to you, Mother." I snapped fiercely into her face. "Hey, what's going on with you? Why are you so mad at Mom?" Jax asked. "He's banging my boss, that's the problem, and yes, I work here, and No, I have nothing to do with the girls or clients. Im just doing Office work. Alright, calm your men boobs down." I was still really mad at Mom for what I discovered. "You what?" Bobby asked when Nero waved us over to the corridor leading to stairs up to the room I had never been up in. "You working here?" Bobby asked again when Chibs interrupted us, telling Jax he found Tig, who was missing. "Take my Truck out back." I knew about the old blue pickup Truck. "Go, I'm heading back home. Be safe, all of you." I told the group. Chibs kissed me on the head before I drove back home, where I didn't see Juice's bike. As I entered, I saw a huge figure standing in the living room. "Jesus Christ, quit scaring the fuck out of me." Ope walked out of the dark corner he was standing in. "Sorry, Lex Juice, let me in. I wanted to know where Jax is." he told me, sitting on the couch. " I found him. Don't worry, he's safe, and I won't tell the cops where he is." I smiled, walking up to him. "How are you doing?" I asked him. "Dunno, honestly going through a divorce gets to you." he said. "Im so sorry, Ope if you need anything?" I said, but he shook his head. "Thanks, Lex." he didn't smile. I knew he wasn't the only one who was sad. The next day, I went to work, knowing my brother and Mom would be there. I wasn't surprised to see Chibs leaning against the side of my desk. "Mornin luv." I greeted Chibs with a hug when I saw Tig lying on the couch in the corner. "What happened to Tig?" I asked Chibs. He quickly explained what happened when Jax walked out with Mom and Nero. "Great, my Mother." I grumbled and sat down on the desk when Jax took me aside. "What's your problem, Lexi?" he asked me. "What is my problem? Mom has been shitting on my personal life since I had the kids, and now she has abandoned my kids twice and is also sleeping with my boss." I grumbled. "Come on, Lex you still being unreasonable." Mom said behind Jax. 

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