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Juice nudged me but I ignored him turning my head back to Tig. "Have you ever seen how much a baby can shit? a fucking lot." I snapped at Tig. "Uhh Baby being grouchy that's so sexy," Juice whispered close to me. "Yeah I'm your grouchy Baby mama and wife-to-be," I whispered, he gave me a light kiss when the cops came back releasing us with a warning. We returned to the clubhouse where I waited for Juice who talked for a second with the boys before we headed home to get dressed for the wedding. "In one thing you haven't changed, you're still a little retarded Baby let me do your shirt this looks like a disaster," I told Juice shaking my head and seeing him struggling and falsely buttoning his shirt. "Jesus Christ," he grumbled, Mom had taken the twins to Jax's house for Neeta to watch, and I was glad she did so I wasn't stressed about them. "Thanks, Babe." Juice smiled when I was done with his mess. "Jerk," I mumbled. "Bitch." Juice whispered back. We both smiled at each other when I was showered and dressed in a dark red paliette dress and after I was finished with my hair and some light make-up. "You finished?" Juice asked who was waiting for me in the kitchen. "Yeah, Babe let's go." I smiled and walked out of the house with my jacket I grabbed before heading out to my bike where I got my helmet on when Juice sat down on his bike next to me. "You're a lame duck." I giggled while we drove up Highway 18, As we reached our destination I saw cop cars standing close to the entrance. "I don't like this at all," I mumbled to Juice. "Jax and Clay will know what to do, Don't worry babe." Juice drove in front of me and parked his bike on the right side while I waited for him to put mine next to his. "Dang Lex you look great." I ignored Tig. "Suck up to me one more time and you'll regret it," I growled as I was past him, Juice took my hand and squeezed it. "You can smack his ass later," Juice whispered into my ear. "After I smack your ass," I whispered back grabbing his ass. "Knock it off you two." Clay called in front of us, he was standing with Mom in the second row of chairs. We walked over when we past Ope. "You look great Ope." I hugged him. "Lex you look great as well." Ope smiled. Juice and I walked over to the others, Mom and Chibs hugged me while we waited for Piney and Lyla when I saw a man walking up to Ope talking to Ope and then walking over to Clay talking to him. "Who is that?" I asked Mom who was standing with me and Chibs while Juice was hanging around close by. "That's Putlova, the Russian behind the attack on Jax," Mom whispered back. "Seriously?" I asked a little raged but Mom held me back. "Calm down, Clay has it under control," Mom told me, Finally it was time to sit down. I sat between Juice and Happy holding Juies Hand. "I can see you walking down the Aisle," Juice whispered while we watched Lyla and Piney walk down. "Oh yeah? Well wait for three more days and you'll see." I whispered back. "Can't wait." Juice smiled. After the ceremony, we sat down at tables where Juice pulled me aside. "Listen I need to go and do something with Bobby, Chibs, and Happy but I'll be back later," he told me. "Don't do anything stupid okay?" I told him holding both of his hands. "Don't worry I will." I smiled back. We kissed and he jumped into the van while I stayed behind. "Yo Scotty take care of the little retard." I said giggling while Juice flipped me the finger. "I Love you too Baby." I stepped back when Jax walked up. "You get a hint of a abort," Jax told Happy, Chibs, Juice, and Bobby. "Yes, man," Bobby replied with a nod. "Drink heavily for us," Juice added, I smiled. "Don't worry Baby I will," I said with a wink. The Group left while Jax and I stayed back but headed back to the party while I danced with Tara, Lyla, Gemma, and Unser. "Ope Come dance with me," Lyla called for her now fresh husband. We left the dancefloor and when I walked over to my brother. "Wow. Barely an hour, and you're already in the bowl covered in pussy whip." Jax said making the others around us laugh. "Come on it's our song." Lyla called again and Ope walked over to her while I sat down, when a light nudge let me look up. "May I ask for a dance?" Alvarez asked, he hadn't spoken to me since we last met over a year ago. "Sure." I smiled and took his hand, he guided me to the dancefloor where a few couples danced including Mom with Unser and Jax with Tara. "How have you been?" he asked while we danced slowly and very close to each other. "Been good, I had two beautiful babies, twins who are both a handful." I said smiling. "Twins wow that must be tough." I nodded. "Yeah, but they are my star and moon." I told him smiling just thinking about them. "I'm glad you doin' okay." Marcus Alvarez placed a kiss on the back of my hand before leading me back to the table. "See you around Alexis." he walked off when Tig came up beside me. "What did he want?" he asked curious. "For you to stick you brown nosey ness somewhere else." I growled sitting next to Ope and Lyla who were resting. After more than three hours Juice returned happy and tired, We said goodbye and went home to Neeta who was waiting with the twins.

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