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I looked over to Clay, who came out of the kitchen following Tara to the bedroom, I knew I couldn't tell her. "Will do Ma. Bye-bye," I hung up and passed the phone back to Bobby. We waited for Jax, who was finally out of his bedroom. "We're all so glad you're around. Can you ride?" Clay asked Jax nodes. "Yeah." Jax came over and gave me a hug and a kiss on my head. "How are you, Sis?" Jax's voice was quiet. "I'm holding on." I played around with the chain on the pants I was wearing. They were Kips, but I took them off before the others walked in, and Juice carried me away. "Can you give me a minute?" Jax walked away with Tara and returned a while later while we waited outside near the bikes, although I sat with Juice, resting my head on his shoulder. Jax joined us when we arrived in Oakland to meet up with Laroy. This the guy?" Clay asked when a car pulled up on the field outside the city where we waited. "Yeah, that's him." Larry nodded when a dark-skinned guy, a scared man with glasses on, led towards us. "Hey, tell him what you know." The dude told the forger. "Uh, I did some work for the Irishman you're looking for." He mumbled. "Is that him?" Juice stepped forward with a picture of Cameron and Michael McKeavy. "Yeah, that's him." he nodded after looking at the picture. "What kind of papers?" Jax asked. "Irish passport, American travel visa," he answered. "This means he's trying to leave the country," Clay grumbled. "What name's he using?" Chibs asked. "Timothy O'Dell. Belfast address." the forger answered. "I'm calling Unser trying to find anything on this, Timothy O'Dell." I walked away from the group and called Unser. Chibs came over while I was talking to Unser. He took my phone and talked to him briefly before handing me back the closed phone. "We're looking for a boat owned by Timothy O'Dell," he explained. I nodded when my phone rang. "Yeah, okay, just got it, thanks," I said and hung up. "Got a dock," I told Clay. We thanked Laroy and drove to the marina on Alice Street near Chinatown. "Unser said it was Slip 39," I told them while we walked down a ramp. "Nobody gets past here." Clay walked up front with Bobby while we followed with Jax last. "Right." Opie walked past me while Juice and Happy stayed guarding the way. Sadly, the Boat was a dead end after chasing some guys, which was also a dead end since Cameron sold them that Boat we destroyed. While the boys were meeting, I hung out near the bar since I didn't know what else to do when Unser called asking me about the day in Jax's House, so I told him what happened and how I found Kip dead in the kitchen. "Thank you, sweetheart. Tell your Mom when you hear I asked about her, okay." I nodded. "Will do, Wayne." I hung up when Juice walked out with the others. "You ready?" I knew he met the wake. "Gotta get dressed quickly." I walked outside and drove to my house, leaving Elvis in the living room. I quickly got dressed in a black shirt, Leather Jacket, and black Jeans, but the last touch was Kips Chain I clipped to my pants. "You ready?" Juice asked. With a nod, I followed him outside. We got to the funeral home, where many military men were, plus bikers roaming around. I approached the door and saw a man with a Leather kit standing at the back towards me. "Who am I," I whispered into his ear with my hands on his eyes. "Jesus Christ, stop that." Korzik was a friend from Tacoma. "I'm your worst nightmare." I giggled, released and walked past him, smacking him on the back. "still skittish, buddy." I grabbed Juice's Arm, placing it around my shoulder. We walked up to the casket, and when it was my turn, I placed my hand on the black wood where a picture and the Kut were. "I'm so sorry, Kip." I sniffed and stepped back for the next person. "It's okay, sweetheart." Chibs hugged me, placing his arms around me while I cried. Juice walked me out when the others followed. Suddenly, we heard shots fired from the street where a van was driving by. I fell onto the ground with Juice over me, protecting me. Around us was Chaos, and more shots were fired when Jax ran past me. We followed him, and he ran over to Jax, who was beating up one of the guys who shot at us. "You hurt?" Opie asked. I shook my head. "I'm okay." he nodded. "Bring her home safe. I'm taking care of this." Clay ordered Juice, who pulled me to our bikes. We drove off into the night, unaware Hale and a few others were also. The next morning, we woke up and drove to TM, where Clay, Opie, and Bobby drove to CPD to get Jax, who got arrested but released. "Welcome back, Brother." I hugged him when we met up at St. Thomas. "Thanks." Jax hugged me before walking into the building. Clay walked to a door but didn't walk through since there was a guard at the door. Sheriff's guarding the shooter, just like Unser said." Clay told us when we weren't in sight. All right, I'll see if Tara can help." Jax disappeared when Clay walked away from where we were. "Let's go visit Chucky. Brighten his day." he said happily. "What happened to Chucky?" I asked Juice. "He got shot last night during the shooting." he told me, grabbed my hand, and held it. Chucky was pleased to see us and agreed to help us.

SAMCROWS adopted daughter (SOA/Juice FF)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt