fifty six

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It has been two weeks since I left California, not knowing what happened back home and just in shock when I heard about all the crazy shit happening back in Charming, "Luckily, the kids weren't there to see it," I told Tig on the phone while letting the dogs out of the kitchen. Ace and Echo had been doing well in their new environment. "Juice went MIA. We have no idea why." Tig said while light sniffs came out of my nose. "Jesus Christ, Tig, where is Jax?" I asked. "He was arrested on BS charges. Tara left for Oregon with the kids. "Shit." I sat down when Amelia came crawling, babbling words I couldn't understand. "Im here, baby girl," I said softly to her, pressing the phone on my ear while I lifted her into my arms. "If he contacts me, I will tell you, but I guess he won't because he knows it's a terrible Idea," I said with another sniff. "Im so sorry, Lexi, just don't stress yourself." Tig softly said. "I won't. It's just really, really hard for me," I said, sobbing. "Im so sorry, Princess." Tig let out a big sigh. "What should I do, Tigger?" I asked. "Stay put, and I will update you as soon as we get some news." Tig's voice was calm. "Alright." I thanked him and hung up. It was an awful time waiting for news when Chibs called me, telling me Jax was back, but there was no sign of my hubby. "We're still looking for him," Chibs said. I felt the tiredness in his voice. "He is scared and doesn't want to meet with Jax," Chibs continued. "I get that, but he has to get it straight with my brother; otherwise, this would eat him alive," I told Chibs, who agreed. "Im going to find him and get Jax and him in a room together." I heard a voice behind him; he had to end the call. I hung up but stayed strong for my kids, who had just crawled into the kitchen. "You guys are so perfect." I sigh happily, knowing they will stay with me through the most challenging time. I kept the kids outside the whole time, working on my vegetable garden and letting my anger out on the dirt. While waiting for more news, I took the kids on a stroll around the property, seeing a lot of potential. Only a week later, four funny-looking chickens and a few goats moved into the yard. It took me a lot of strength and some help to get the barn ready, but neighbors helped with tools and knowledge. "Come on, boys, let's let them settle in," I said, walking back to the house where the kids were waiting for me on the porch, playing with one of the girls helping out. While I was making some dinner, my phone rang. When I looked at the display, I saw my Mom calling me. "Im not in the mood for this," I grumbled, ignoring her call. A few minutes later, an unknown number called me. I answered. I heard somebody panting on the other side of the line. "Who is this?" I asked but never listened to an answer, just more panting. "Alright, Im gonna hang up," I said, taking the phone off my ear when I finally heard a voice talking. "No, Babe babe, please, it's me," Juice said, recognizing his voice. "Juice?" I asked in a hushed voice. "Yeah, it's me. I'm so sorry I can't come home right now, but I'm in big trouble and can't come to Dallas." he told me." If you wanna talk to Jax, I can arrange that, please, baby; you're getting in even more trouble if you keep running." I said, begging. "I can't talk to Jax," Juice said. "You have to; otherwise, you won't be able to solve this mystery," I told him. "I can't, sorry darling, I gotta go." he hung up, and when I tried to call him back,  the phone was off. "Jesus Christ," I called my brother, but he didn't pick up, so I called Chibs. "What's up, Darling?" he answered right away. "Juice just called me. I'm going to try to locate him." I said, getting on my laptop and typing the number into the system Juice provided me, but I could not trace him. "Shit, he was smart to turn off the phone," I mumbled into the phone. "Well, find him. If he's in the area, we will find him." Chibs answered. "Don't hurt him, please." I requested, and Chibs assured me he would leave him in one piece. "I'll call you as soon as we have more info," Chibs said. I thanked him before hanging up the phone. "Shit, what are you up to, Babe?" I asked, looking over some stuff I had opened and trying to locate my husband. "Come on, Baby, speak to me," I whispered when I saw a pin pop up. When I clicked on it, it was a location from a motel. I quickly grabbed my phone and called Chibs again. "I found him at a Motel a little outside of Charming. Be fast. I don't know if he's getting away, and I wouldn't use the bikes." I told Chibs, and he thanked me and hung up. I waited a long time for a phone call, and finally, Happy called me. "We got him. He's unharmed, a little scared, but he's okay," he said. I thanked him and shed some happy tears. Jax called me an hour later and told me he finally knew what had happened and why Juice had gone MIA for almost three weeks. "So you gonna let him go?" I asked. "Yeah, I will," Jax answered. I was happy to hear that. Three days later, Juice arrived in Dallas after a long journey on his bike. Tired, we embraced. "Your mother manipulated me; Jax is gonna talk to her." Juice told me while we were sitting at the table drinking beer. "He has to. She tried the same shit with me." I mumbled, zipping on my beer. Jax called and told me Mom admitted trying to kill Tara that night, but Juice stopped her, letting Tara get away unharmed; he shot her in Gramp's house, where she was hiding with Unser.


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