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I heard fear in Tig's voice. "Can you call your dogs back," he asked. I frowned my eyebrows, looking over to Juice. "Why, where are you?" I asked, getting up and throwing my bath rope on. "In front of your house guarded by your dogs," Tig told me. "Great," I grumbled, hanging up. "Tigs in front of the house," told Juice. "Well, I guess we should let I'm him." Juice got out of bed and threw his clothes on. "Nope, not going to happen. I'd rather throw him in front of the dogs," I mumbled, walking down the hallway. "Rude." I heard Tig's voice from outside the entry door. "I don't care," I growled, walking into the kitchen. "Alright, alright, back off your too." Juice squeezed through the two dogs and opened the door. "Be quiet, you two, the kids are still sleeping, and if you wake them up, I'ma rip your ass wide open," I growled when they walked into the kitchen. "Alright, Mama Bear geez." Tig sat down while I went back to the bedroom and got dressed. "You're coming?" Juice peeked inside the nursery, where I got the kids ready. "Yeah, I just have to dress Theo quick before we can go," I told Juice while I changed Theo's diaper. "You need some help?" Juice looked over my shoulder. "Yeah, you can take Amelia with you. I'll be there in a minute." I smiled and finished getting the kid dressed. "There we are." I took Theo into my arms when Juice laughed about something outside. "Alright, I'm ready. I'm leaving nobody behind," I called, and Ace came over with Echo. "Knock it off, you two. You both are coming." I had Theo in the Stroller to put the harness on while Ace wiggled the whole time and Echo pushed. I walked with the dogs while Tig and Juice went with their bikes; when I entered the clubhouse, I heard dogs barking. "Echo, Ace, knock it off," I growled when I saw Ace bark at Chucky and Mom. "I haven't raised and trained you to bark at everybody, only at the bad guys," I grumbled when Ace and Echo retreated, and I scolded them. "Mom, Chucky, are you guys alright?" I asked, worried. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good." Mom smiled and walked over to the Stroller. "Im so sorry, Mom. Ace tried to protect Amelia and Theo." I smiled while watching her take Amelia out of the Stroller. I took Theo out after Mom. "Lex, get in here?" Clay yelled from inside. "Coming, old man, quit yelling. My children are present," I grumbled. I went into the chapel and closed the door behind me. "Hey, Baby, spend some time with your godfather." I kissed Theo on the head and passed him over to Chibs; I heard Theo cooing. "Don't worry, Ope, your Amelia godfather," I said with a clap on his shoulder when I saw Ope sitting there a little sad. I walked around the table to Juice, who made space for me to sit on his legs. With an arm around his neck, I sat down and waited for Clay to speak. "You've been busy while we were gone," Clay said. "Yeah, well, pushed out two babies." I shrugged, and all the boys around me laughed. "She's been a great help in the garage, even busier than us before she got fat and lazy," Ope grumbled. "Blow me, Shithead," I grumbled, flipping him the finger. "Alright, stop it, both of you," Clay growled. before we could go any further. "I want to thank you for everything you did for us while we weren't here  helping out and caring for your babies." Clay smiled a little, nodding to Theo, who was with Chibs. "Yeah, he is a handful, same with his sister." I smiled. "Alright, well, I wanted to thank you, daughter." Clay got up, which I did as well, and we hugged. Before taking the envelope from the table in front of his seat. "This is your share. You did great." Clay placed a light kiss on the temple before dismissing me to Juice; when I opened the ledge of the envelope, I saw a lot of money inside. "So you know anything new...with our mayor's little McMansion utopia?" Clay asks while I sit on Juice's Lap with the envelope still in my hand. "Rich yuppies are fleeing Stockton. The city is a war zone." Ope told them I was listening. "We're hearing Hale has a load of presales and just needs a few investors before he starts swinging hammers," Chibs added. "This, uh, Oswald Construction bid. What is that? Is that some consolation prize from Hale?" Clay asked. I leaned against Juice, and he slung his arms around my waist. "And when Hale pushed that 99 on-ramps through the city council, all that timberland went eminent domain...and Elliot, He lost millions." Ope told the others, I knew since I met Elliot when he came by. " So Hale is letting him make it up with lumber and labour. Charming has pretty much embraced it, Clay. It'll provide construction jobs and double output at the mill." Korzik said on Juice's other side. I listened to the whole conversation about Hale while I rested my head on Juice's Shoulder. Finally, the subject changed to the new sheriff, who clarified that all the boys out of jail couldn't wear gang symbols for a while. "The black-and-proud Sheriff Roosevelt. Who the hell is he?"  Clay asked. "We don't know much. He's out of a gangland task force from Oakland. Been working for ten months. He's let us know he's here, but this is the first time he's whipped his dick out." I told him waking up from my kind of nap while it was super boring. "He's been pretty low-key." Ope said with a nod. "Not anymore." Jax said with a sigh. 

SAMCROWS adopted daughter (SOA/Juice FF)Where stories live. Discover now