Mia poked his ticklish side and he flinched away from her. Chuckling, she returned to the photo in hand. In it, they took a group photo in the garden. It was by no means organized, it was chaos incarnate. Tsuna wasn't even facing the camera when the shot was taken. Mia went down midshot when Lambo knocked her over, so only her arm was shown and her dad scrambling to catch her. The others were human dominoes except for Hibari who was present a few yards away sitting on top of a gazebo. Why was he there? They didn't know.

For the most part, their stay in the Vongola estate was pleasant. True to his word, the Ninth had kept things under wraps so Tsuna heard very little which he was grateful for. As Mia continued to look over the photos, he leaned back on his bed and watched her. His mind drifting to the last few days of their stay where they had one last thing to do before they left.


"Its very nice for your grandfather to give us an escort," Nicolas said dryly, glancing at the side mirror where a trail of six black cars followed them.

Tsuna laughed awkwardly at that. "Yeah...it was." Couldn't they be a bit more inconspicuous? It just brought more attention to them! Tsuna had asked his grandpa for one more favor. Mia hadn't brought it up again but he remembered.

They were currently on their way now to the cemetery where Mia's mother was buried. Fortunately the Ninth agreed, only if they agreed to an escort. If he knew sooner that this would have been the outcome, he would have negotiated some more.

"Mmmnnn..." Mia sighed against her father's shoulder. She had fallen asleep sometime earlier. Nicolas wrapped an arm around her. 

Tsuna smiled a bit at that. He carefully took the flowers Mia had been holding so she wouldn't drop it. It was a bouquet of hand-picked carnations straight from the garden.

Mia seemed to like carnations more than any flower in the garden. He would sometimes catch her just admiring them when no one else was looking. So when he suggested she could pick some for her mother, she bloomed like the flowers he held now.

"El used to press carnations as bookmarks for Mia." Nicolas quiet words nearly sent him into a heart attack. The man continued to stare outside. "I didn't think she still remembered." He added, much quieter.

Tsuna looked back at the bouquet. He didn't think Mia realized it herself either.

Finally, they arrived. While Nicolas gently roused his daughter, Tsuna stepped out first. Ganauche, who he found out was the Ninth's Lightning guardian, held the door open for him. The man was charged with leading their escort today.

"Hey kid." Ganauche greeted him. "Nice day, no?"

"Yeah." Tsuna glanced around at the cemetery. "Thanks for coming with us Ganauche-san."

The older man waved his hand dismissively. "Please, just Ganauche or Gan."

Used to it by now, Tsuna said, "Ganauche then." He caught sight of dozens of men in suits stepping out of their cars and frowned. "You're not planning on having everybody follow us right?"

"We have to protect you." Was the simple matter-of-fact response he got.

Tsuna frowned, already feeling tired. He just had a similar conversation with his friends earlier. Hayato had been the most vocal and worried but he explained it wasn't for him that he was asking, but for Mia. It took him a while to convince the bomber they would be fine with the Ninth's group and it was just a quick trip.

"I get that you need to but can you guys give us a little bit of space please? This is personal to them."

Ganauche paused, thinking on it. "Okay kid, we'll stay out of sight just don't go too far alright? The Ninth would kill me if anything happened."

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