I don't really hate you- Pedri Gonzalez

Start from the beginning

"You know you look super sexy in this dress" the guy whispered in my ear as he put a hand around my throat 

"G-get off m-me" I managed to choke out 

"What you don't want me even though you are practically begging for attention dressed like that" the guy taunted 

That was enough for me I managed to free myself from his hold but I wasn't able to move quick enough to avoid him slapping me for presumably not wanting to sleep with him. I flinched at the pain but I also braced myself for more but it never happened. Suddenly there was someone else stood in front of me who punched the other guy just as I looked up. Everything happened so quickly but time seemed to slow down as I watched the guy that has been harassing me get punched in the face multiple times, even though it wasn't me doing it I felt great knowing someone had my back. 

Once time went back to normal speed and the guy was finally escorted out of the house I finally got to see who had come in to protect me. That someone who I was thanking in my mind just a few seconds ago was Pedri. For once I saw a different look in his eyes instead of disgust and hatred I saw concern and worry. He cared although he has never acted like it he cares about me. That thought sent butterflies through my stomach, for some reason owning that deep down Pedri didn't really hate me made me feel relieved happy even. 

There was a lot of thoughts swirling around in my mind not just about what happened but also about my feelings for Pedri. I was soon brought out off of my spiral though when I noticed Pedri turn towards me and reach his hand out to touch mine which sent a shiver down my spine. I could move as he looked at my wrist which was already starting to bruise and then studied my face which suddenly made me aware of the fact that I could feel something running down my face. 

"Are you ok?" He asked 

"Yeah I'm fine" I replied 

"We both know that's a lie now come with me I'll clean you up" he said 

He offered me his hand so I took it and he lead me through all of the people around who had just gone back to doing whatever they were doing before after watching what unfolded just a few minutes ago. Pedri lead me to the bathroom upstairs which was empty luckily so we went straight in and he locked the door behind us which made me a little nervous all of a sudden. As Pedri looked for the first aid kit I just stood there watching him as I was starting to realise that maybe my attraction towards Pedri hadn't disappeared and had just been buried deep down inside me instead as I was starting to feel the nerves I felt when I first met him again. 

After a while of just staring at him Pedri finally found what he was looking for and turned back to me. He told me to sit on the counter in front of him so I made my way over ready to haul myself up on the surface but instead Pedri put his hands on my waist and lifted me into the counter. Having his hands on my waist felt weirdly comfortable it was as if this had happened a million times before I felt safe almost with his hands on me. He kept one hand on my waist as he gently cleaned up the cut I had on my lip which stung but every time I winced Pedri just squeezed my waist and apologised which somehow made it all better. As he worked to put cream on my lip and wrist I was completely captivated but the way he was sticking his tongue out fully concentrated on making sure he did everything he could to make me better. 

This was the first time I noticed how perfect his face was. His hair, his eyes, his lips and his stubble that was beginning to form were all just so perfect. His hair looked so soft and fluffy. His eyes looked so caring and kind. His lips looked so kissable. Those thoughts had never crossed my mind before but thats simply because I wouldn't let them, I've always been attracted to Pedri but I didn't allow myself to feel these feelings as until today I thought he simply just hated me but this situation has made it clear that he doesn't hate me quite as much as I first thought. 

"There we go, does that feel any better?" He asked 

"It feels a lot better thank you" I replied 

"Now tell me how are you actually feeling and please be honest" he said 

"I'm ok still a bit shaken up but I'll be ok" I said 

"I'm sorry this happened to you that guy was wrong to do that don't think for a second you deserved it because you don't no matter how beautiful you look" Pedri said which took my by surprise as I never expected him to call me beautiful 

"Thank you it means a lot hearing you say that" I said 

"I have to ask why did you help me I thought you hated me" I said 

Pedri just stood there for a few seconds which made me regret actually asking him and not just thinking about the many possible answers. All of my anxieties quickly disappeared though when Pedri closed the gap between us and attached his lips to mine. The feeling of having his lips on mine was out of this world I don't know how to even describe it it almost felt like a void was filled that I didn't know was empty before. Where my lip is cut it definitely stung kissing Pedri but it was so worth it and I'd deal with much more pain if it meant I could kiss him again. Sadly the kiss eventually came to an end but Pedri stayed close to me and wrapped his arms around me even after he'd pulled away. 

"I'm sorry I should've asked you first before doing that but I just couldn't resist" he said 

"It's ok I enjoyed it but you didn't answer my question" I teased 

"I never hated you I hated the fact that I found you so beautiful I told myself that I needed to focus on football and not dating so when we first met I thought it would be easier if I just acted like I hated you but it really didn't help and I just can't pretend anymore" he admitted 

"Well I'm glad you don't hate me as that would've made this all very awkward" I laughed 

"I know I've been awful to you but can we start over?" He asked 

"Of course all is forgiven especially after you helped me out there" I said 

"How about we get out of here and maybe we can talk over some ice cream" he suggested 

"I like the sound of that" I replied 

With that Pedri gave me another kiss which he apologised for as he realised it probably hurt me which it did but I happily kissed him again as he grabbed my hand to lead me outside to his car. I felt a bit bad for leaving my own birthday party but at the same time getting to know Pedri and exploring these newfound feelings sounds a lot more fun. 

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