Twenty: Interventions.

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SCHOOL. A universal hatred almost everyone shared. Even worse: the first day of school. The end of summer.

The morning Soomin woke up, after last nights events, was the first day of school. Even sober Soomin could barely function after talking with Hawk, what if she was drunk?

Would it be different? Would Soomin end up slurring out words she's kept in her mind? She was grateful she vowed to never drink alcohol.

She could barely even summarize what happened last night. What Soomin did after Hawk left was collapse onto bed and sleep for the rest of the night.

How would she face Hawk today? Pretend everything's normal? Try to be on talking terms?

So many questions were spiraling through her mind as she tried to pick an outfit for the first day of school. All she thought of was denim. Jeans sounded comfy to her, and it was more presentable than sweatpants and a hoodie.

Not to mention her mom had special occasions for first days of schools. She had to look good for her mom's yearly Facebook post for Soomin going into Junior year.

"Soomin! You excited for first day! I hope you do well." Jihu greeted her, yes, breakfast was cooked with more love than usual days. And yes, her dad could cook too.

"I baked you your favorite. Pork belly and rice!" He grinned, serving the food on a plate.

"Thank you, dad." Soomin dived straight into her food, almost gobbling everything down. "Was the party fun?" Jihu asked, "You didn't come home too late?" He adds.

"Came home at 10, right before curfew. Didn't drink. I had fun." Soomin explained. "Good. Now mom isn't here for your yearly picture. I think I have to do it myself but I don't know how?" Jihu explained.

"Just take a picture of me before I leave on my bike, very simple!" Soomin explained.

In the living room, connected with the kitchen, was the sounds of a Korean drama playing. Yes, not only did Chaewon enjoy dramas, so did her dad.

So that's how the morning went, the two watched some part of the drama (which Soomin had no idea what was going on) and her dad took a photo of Soomin and her denim outfit.

"Bye dad! I'll be good! Focusing on calculus!" Soomin grinned, getting her bicycle ready. "Bye Soomin! Make friends!" Jihu waved from the apartment door as Soomin went off. She rang the bicycle's bells as an extra bye.

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