Start from the beginning

But it was real. It was so real she could hear the evidence beating out of her chest and feel it deep in her stomach. It was undeniable, and she was completely doomed.

Lynn wanted to be more than friends, and that was a problem.


"Try hitting it harder!"


Frankie cursed and threw his beanie on the floor. "I'm so fired!" He ran his hands down his face.

Jolon started climbing down the ladder, flashlight it mouth. "I don't think leaving the grill on for 4 extra minutes caused a blackout all over Royal Woods, dude."

"My boss hates me! He'd kick me to the curb at any chance he got!" The boy was so distraught he almost fell over, needing to get support by holding onto his best-friends arm for dear life. She was not content with this arrangement.

"Francisco get your dirty paws-" she shoved him off, sending him barreling to the concrete. In any usual scenario, she would've regretted being so harsh on the boy. Unfortunately for everyone involved though, Frankie's little mishap with the hot-dog heater at 11-sevens allegedly cut out the entire districts energy supply. The delinquent wouldn't have cared for all that, if it weren't for the fact she was awoken in the middle of the night due to the boys pleas for help.

"Just leave me here to dieee!" he covered his red face with his hands again, mourning the loss of his very sophisticated position as a cashier at a gas-station. 

"I'm cool with that," Jolon grunted, not either very pleased with the predicament.

"Sure," the girl huffed, turning on her heel to leave. Jolon nodded and picked up his ladder, following suit.

"Wait!" Frankie stumbled up from his position and chased after the other two. Slipping on the grass, he was right behind them, obviously not done trying to rejuvenate the mess-up again. "What's that?"

"Nice try, man."

"No, seriously! Who's driving out this late?" The two finally stopped and turned around to look at the boy, blended faces of exhaustion, confusion, and anger. Following where the boy was desperately pointing, they saw that he was actually telling the truth. Quickly driving towards them on a nearby empty road was a van, big bright headlights no doubt catching the attention of everybody in sight.

"What kind of dumbasses are they? Are they trying to get robbed?" the leader finally said, taking the flashlight out of Jolon's hand.

"Must be outsiders, let them drive past. Marco'll probably deal with them later."

Frankie nodded his head. "Yeah, they'll learn their lesson soon enough and then they'll be out of here," he shrugged them off. "Now, since you've finally stopped, let's-"

The boys attempted to convince them to come back and give it another shot. He was met with hard resistance from his taller and more defiant friend, who was half a second away from striking the kid with his ladder. The only one not involved in the argument was the boxer, who held her flashlight out towards the car when it came closer, inspecting it thoroughly.

"Hey, I'm just gonna check this out real quick," she called out passively, jogging towards the familiar van. It started driving slower and slower by the second, steering getting a little sloppy and would've probably warranted a speeding ticket if the cops cared enough to monitor this area.

Conveniently, it fully stopped right around when the girl got close enough to realize what car it was. Muttering a quick "what the fuck" under her breath, she slowed, deciding to approach the car in walking speed as to not startle the people inside.

★ Slapshot and Tackle ★  Lynn Loud JrWhere stories live. Discover now