🎄Chapter 28: All Year Long🎄

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January brought fireworks at midnight.

In February she passed out valentines to her whole class and had so much sugar she stayed up till midnight.

March brought shamrocks and green shirts which saved her more than once from getting pinched by her classmates.

In April she colored Easter eggs and found traces of the infamous bunny's path through her yard.

On May 13th, Albert surprised her with a visit for her birthday. And his hug was the greatest gift of all.

June came with some sadness as the school year ended and she had to hug her friends, some new, some old, goodbye. But endless days at the beach dried her tears pretty quickly.

Red, white, and blue fireworks exploded in the sky on the starry night of July 4th. Above barbecues where Ana Sofia's dad grilled hot dogs and hamburgers.

Once August came around it was time to head back to school. She hugged the same friends she'd said goodbye to in June at the school gates and ran inside to start third grade.

September was full of football games with dad.

In October, much to her surprise, Ashley took her to a haunted house. Despite all the scary clowns and monsters, she'd not felt so close to her big sister in years. They even went trick-or-treating together on the big day with some of her friends. She got so much candy she had to practically drag her pillow case home.

Albert came back again for Thanksgiving in November as he always did. The leaves were red and orange on the trees outside the windows while they ate turkey and stuffing and watched football games from the table. Albert and dad would chest bump after every big play. Ashley and mom thought it was annoying, but she thought it was hilarious.

Ana Sofia couldn't believe how much fun she'd had all year as she stood in front of her wall calendar in thought. The last day of November was crossed off and it was time to flip to the last month of the year, and her favorite one at that.

"Ana! Do you wanna help me with the tree?!" she heard her father call from downstairs.

"Coming, dad!"

Ana Sofia flipped the fall scene to the winter one and smiled before walking downstairs to help with the decorations.

The End

🎅Merry Christmas!!!🎄

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