🎄Chapter 11: Family Moments🎄

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When her dad had asked Ana Sofia to help him make cookies she'd been terrified, and rightfully so.

"Okay now you add the salsa," he said with confidence and began mixing something in a bowl.

Ana Sofia fully understood then and there why mom handled all of the cooking, and baking, and why they said a collective prayer whenever dad used the toaster.

"Salsa? Aren't we making cookies?" she said, looking at him like he'd gone crazy.

"What's wrong with adding a little heat?" He seemed offended by the thought that salsa didn't belong in cookies.

"You really want salsa? Okay..." said Ana Sofia and went to the fridge.

"Let's get some cumin and Parmesan cheese too."

"Ewww! That's gross!"

"What!? You've eaten my cooking before, haven't you?"

"Only that one time at grandma and grandpa's when mommy was sick."

"And you survived, didn't you? Are you trying to say mom is a better cook than me?"

"Um... welll. Here's the salsa!" she said, presenting the jar.

Her father laughed, which made her smile.


For many years, Ana Sofia had passed by the ceramic figures on the shelves without really stopping to appreciate the finer details. They were beautiful, and the fact her own hands had brought color to many of them made her love them even more.

"I made that one," said Albert, walking up beside her and pointing to a large clay mask of Santa's face.

Much of the paint had been chipped but she could still see the sight of it made him happy.


"Fifth grade. I was so proud. So was mom."

"I've never really noticed it."

"Really? Mom puts it out every year even though it doesn't even really look like Santa anymore."

"I think it's cool."

"Thanks. I eventually realized I didn't have a career in art. Luckily I was pretty good at science and teaching."

"Just not teaching art."

Albert laughed and patted her on the shoulder. "Exactly."

The front door suddenly flew open, but luckily it wasn't a burglar. It was just grandma and grandpa. They never knocked.

"Grandpa!" Ana Sofia beamed and rushed to him.

Grandpa swooped down and picked her up, hugging her into his sweater.

"Hello hello!" he said excitedly.

Grandma was carrying a plastic container which she tried to hide but Ana Sofia noticed it as her grandfather put her down.

"What's that?" she asked.

Grandma sighed. "I wanted to surprise you. Surprise!"

Ana Sofia accepted it and opened it without hesitation. Inside she found several brownies covered in sugar.

"Thank you!" Ana Sofia exclaimed and hugged grandma tight. She thought about warning her about dad's cookies but decided not to, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

Grandma and grandpa went to Albert, both of them nearly lifted him off the floor with their hugs even though he was much bigger than them both.

"Oh my little Albert! You look so handsome!" said grandma. "Hair could use a good brushing, but otherwise, you look well!"

"Good to see you too, Grandma, do I smell brownies?" asked Albert.

Ana Sofia held up the container which he took from her and brought into the kitchen.

Dad finally stepped out of the kitchen and yelled upstairs to Ashley in his most "dad-like voice."


"She's probably got her music too loud again," said dad.

"Don't worry, darling, we'll go get her," said grandma, and headed for the stairs with grandpa right behind.


It was a wonder Ashley hadn't gone deaf considering how loud she liked her music. Ana Sofia also didn't know how someone could stare at a phone screen for as many hours as she did every day without going blind, but her sister didn't look up at the world around her very much. She didn't even realize she'd walked into her room with grandma and grandpa until they were close to her bed.

"Ashley! Darling!" said grandma.

"It's your two favorite people!"

When she finally looked up and saw them she jumped and screamed and fell against the back wall.

"Hello, my dear!" said grandma, holding out her arms for a hug while slowly approaching, making kissy faces.

Ashley tried to escape, but couldn't get away in time before being pulled into a hug that nearly squeezed the life out of her.


They ate dinner in the living room gathered around the TV watching Christmas movies while talking about anything and everything.

"Did you hear about the work Ana Sofia is doing, grandma and grandpa?" asked Albert.

Ana Sofia's cheeks turned red, but she didn't try to stop the conversation.

When neither said they had, Albert explained.

"Santa's missing. Ana's been looking for him."

"Oh no!" said grandma.

"This could be bad, huh?" asked grandpa, giving Ana Sofia a look of concern.

"Ana Sofia's on the case. She won't let us down, right?" asked Grandma.

Ana Sofia assured everyone everything was under control. She was glad everyone believed in her.

"They were right to give you the job," said grandpa. "Nobody better fit for it."

Mom rose and said it was time to head out before letting Ana Sofia get back to the search. It was time for one of her favorite family traditions. When grandma and grandpa came over, they always drove around town looking at all the Christmas lights.

Grandpa helped grandma put on her coat, saying he looked forward to going out every year. "I think we should go to the street with all the blue. The one we saw on the way over here."

"That really narrows it down," grandma teased and kissed him before stepping out of the house.

Once her own jacket was on, Ana Sofia swiped a candy cane from a bowl and ran for the door.

"Come on! Let's go!" she exclaimed and rushed out into the cold. 

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