🎄Chapter 27: December 26th🎄

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The snow didn't stop all through the night and by morning, it had canvassed all of Breen Street. All of Temecula. Every single yard was a blanket of white, as were the hills at the end of the street where many had started sledding with whatever they could find in their garages.

Ana Sofia and Albert had taken boogie boards to the tallest hill on Breen Street and slid down numerous times already by the time their parents arrived with Mr. Winston and Ashley who was kicking around posing for selfies.

In another race with Albert, Ana Sofia triumphed, and dad inched towards her while holding out a hand.

"Do you think I could... you know?"

Ana Sofia laughed and offered him the board. Once he had it, Dad looked to mom for permission. She simply rolled her eyes and told him to be careful.

Dad ran by Albert laughing like a madman, and mom stole his board and chased after dad, saying she wasn't gonna let him win.

The last rays of the sun were fading into the silent white horizon and though Breen Street was still alive with cheer, Ana Sofia felt sadness touch her heart. She knew the best day ever was still subject to the laws of time.

Looking back towards the house she saw something that surprised her.

It was Percy, flying into the window and saying "ow" each time he hit the glass but continuing to do it anyway.

"You wanna go again?" asked Albert.

Ana Sofia ran off for the house. "Maybe later!"

Dad tumbled off the boogie board near the bottom of the hill and rolled head over heels while mom slid by him smoothly and gracefully to take the win in their race.


As soon as Ana Sofia reached her bedroom she ran to the window and opened it. Percy flew in so fast that he crashed into the door clear on the other side of the room and stayed stuck to it for a moment before peeling himself off and rubbing his nose.

"Oof. Sorry I didn't make it yesterday. My parents held me hostage the entire day."

Ana Sofia only then remembered he'd promised to visit her the prior night. With Mr. Winston and the snow, she'd completely forgotten.

"It's okay. It was a pretty busy day."

"Aye, seems like it. So. Did you have a nice Christmas? Can't believe it snowed here of all places! That's only happened a few times in MY lifetime! And I've been around a while!"

Ana Sofia nodded but hung her head. He flew close to her.

"Hey. What's wrong?"

"It's over," Ana Sofia sniffled.

Percy shook his head like he didn't understand.

"Christmas. All the, everything! All the snow will melt soon then it'll really be over."

Percy hugged her. "Ana..."

"Will I ever see you again?" she asked tearfully.

"I can't answer that right now," he said gently.

"Why not?" She sniffled.

"I just can't, Ana. I don't know what'll happen a day from now, let alone a year. And neither do you."

"But I don't wanna lose this feeling."

"Who says you can only feel like this at Christmas? You can be this happy all year long with the lessons you've learned!"

"You really think so?"

"Of course! Every season is full of fun and wonderful things, and plus!" He pulled a calendar down from his sleeve. " There are only 364 days left till next Christmas give or take."

Ana Sofia wiped her eyes and nose with her sleeve. "Do you have to go now?"

Percy hugged her tight. It was clear he didn't want to leave. "For now."

"Okay," she said in a deep breath of acceptance.

"Remember what you learned, Ana. Live your life."

She clutched him close.

"Goodbye, Percy. Thank you for everything."

"Goodbye, Ana Sofia Wilson. I'll never forget you."

She let go of him and he backed away towards the window slowly and reluctantly.

"Until next time. Whenever, and wherever that may be," said the fairy, then he glowed as he exited the window.

Ana Sofia ran to the sill and stared into the evening light.

A ball of blue light, like the very same she'd seen fall to earth at the beginning of her journey shot for the dim starlight and kept rising high for many breaths until it vanished beyond the cottony clouds.

Ana Sofia sighed heavily and opened the drawer of her nightstand.

In a drawer sat the pocket-watch Percy had given her, she took it and hugged it close while glancing down at the rolling wayfinder.

Will I really have to use it again?

No matter how old she got, the items would always serve as reminders of her time among the stars. Of her fairy companion, of Nessy and the monk. Polaris was never gone. It would be part of her forever and watch from above for the rest of her life.

After wiping away a final tear, she put the watch away and hurried down the stairs and out the door, back to the hill and into the middle of a snowball fight between her family and some of the other neighborhood kids.

The rising of the moon did not stop the joy, nor did it halt the sense of magic in the air that she couldn't easily describe.

Words couldn't do such feelings justice. It was better to just experience them.

To enjoy every moment with the ones she loved. 

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