🎄Chapter 15: Nessy🎄

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The monster's skin was a dark shade of green. It had a black shell on its back from which four flippers extended out. Its neck was long and slim, leading to a football shaped head. Ana Sofia's heart thumped as she stared up at the imposing creature.

When it spoke, its voice was soft. Calming. The complete opposite sound she'd expected.

"Don't be afraid, child, it is only I... Nessy."

"Are you the monster?"

She'd heard the name once or twice before. Knew the Loch Ness Monster was part of some ancient legend, and that many people had claimed to have gotten pictures of it before. But the blurry photos she'd seen online didn't match the sight before her.

"Monster? No... I promise you I'm quite harmless. I eat only the plants that grow on the bottom of the lake."

"But people have always been afraid of you."

"Yes. I know. People always fear what they don't understand. It gets lonely here in these dark waters. Nobody ever wants to play with me. So I make my own fun by popping my head up every so often and scaring people."

Ana Sofia was still frozen in place. Nessy's size alone was pretty frightening.

"You have my word that I will not harm you. What is your name?"

"Ana Sofia."

"Ana Sofia, most would have run at the mere sight of me. I sense a certain... strength in you. Tell me, why have you summoned me?"

"I'm looking for Santa. Do you know if he was here?"

"Indeed he was. But isn't anymore. He was seeking my advice on how to avoid the press."

Ana Sofia sighed and frowned. "Not here either then."

She felt like crying. It was beginning to feel hopeless. The only location left was Polaris, but if the police hadn't even been able to find him. What chance did she have? How was she the key to it all?

"There's something wrong, isn't there?" asked Nessy.

"Nobody knows where he is," said Ana Sofia, tearing up.

"That is indeed upsetting, but I know you will find him, young Ana. In the meantime. Why not take a break? Would you like to do something fun?"

Ana Sofia sniffled and wiped her eyes. Then nodded with a slight smile.


In the front seat of the chariot, Rooster was snoring with his arms crossed over his chest while mumbling words that didn't make sense in his sleep.

Nessy, With Ana Sofia on her back, snuck up on him in the water.

"Ready to go?" asked Ana Sofia.

Rooster jumped straight up in his seat and landed on his bagpipes which made a sound like whoopee cushion. He looked all about trying to find her, and when he finally saw Nessy and her in the lake, he freaked out and fell out of the chariot before running away screaming.

The reindeer, who had their backs turned, couldn't figure out what the commotion was about, until they managed to turn their heads and see Nessy too.

Both of them were confused, looking at each other like they weren't sure if what they were seeing was even there.

It wasn't until Nessy said hello, that they also panicked.

"Ahh! Heck no! The monster said hello! Run for the hills, man!"

The reindeer sped off, dragging the chariot with them.

Ana Sofia and Nessy burst into laughter, then headed back towards the cottage on the other side of the lake.


When they got back to the cottage, Percy and his parents finally flew back outside, still very close to one another. Both were still annoying him about everything.

"Make sure you're home for Christmas. You've never missed one and you won't now," said his dad.

"I know, I know. I'll be there," Percy assured him.

Soon distant screaming could be easily heard all around them, and Rooster came running around the lake, chasing the chariot being pulled without a driver.

"What happened?" asked Percy with a look up to Ana Sofia.

Both Ana Sofia and Nessy pretended they didn't know anything.

"Should've known better than to trust Rooster MacCrum!" said Percy. "Wait! My old chariot! Is it still in the garage?"

"What about the reindeer?" asked Ana Sofia before his parents could answer.

"Well it's either that, chase Rooster down, or get flushed up the toilet again."

"I sold your chariot to buy your mom an anniversary gift!" said Percy's dad.

Percy gasped. Shocked. Shooketh even. "You sold my chariot?!"

"You hadn't driven it in years! Besides!" said Percy's mom, holding up her hand to show off a flashy ring on her finger. "Look at the size of this monster! Eh. No offense, Nessy."

"None taken," she said while letting Ana Sofia down to the grass.

"Is that a real diamond?" asked Percy, amazed.

"Sure is," said his mom with a smile as big as the gem on the ring.

"My chariot was worth that much?!"

"Maybe it was vintage! The guy we sold it to was crazy anyway. Kept clucking like a chicken and flapping his feathers."

"You sold my chariot to a crazy chicken man?!"

Percy's father looked like he'd never really realized it before, and chuckled when he finally did. "Aye. I guess I did."

Percy sighed, still looking at the ring. "Well I have to admit, that is some nice bling."

The screaming came again, and they all turned their heads to see Rooster and the chariot coming their way.

Rooster crashed into Ana Sofia , scooped her up and placed her in the chariot after finally catching up, then got in himself.

Percy flew to catch up, and his parents followed, waving their goodbyes.

"Goodbye, son! Don't forget to wear lots of suntan lotion! You're still Scottish after all!"

They waved goodbye with Nessy at their side as the chariot took off and headed for the opening sky.

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