🎄Chapter 8: Journey to Japan🎄

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That night, Ana Sofia paced around her room while waiting for Percy.

After what felt like a whole forever and three quarters, she finally heard a gentle tapping on the window and saw the fairy there fluttering. Waiting for her to let him in.

"You're late!" she said with her hands on her hips.

Percy flew inside once the window was open in disbelief. "Late?! Remember the whole thing with time and it not not existing and everything?!"

"I'm ready to go back," said Ana Sofia and closed the window.

Percy nodded and offered his hand. Once she took it, she heard the wind in the darkness again.


Once again they found themselves within the portal leading to the station, but Ana Sofia found she was enjoying it far more than he was.

"I hate getting flushed up the toilet!" he said as he whirled around.


Back within the station, Ana Sofia hovered behind Percy while he checked every portal, muttering to himself and pointing.

"Let's see here... Africa, Czech Republic, Spain, Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein?! Never heard of it. Anyway. Ah! Here's Japan!"

A chariot was waiting for them on the crystal platform. Percy recognized the driver at the reigns. An old elf with a wrinkly face and white beard.

"Roderick! I thought you quit!"

The elf's voice was rough and scratchy. "I did! But turns out they don't pay you nothin' when you stop working. Imagine that."

They got in the chariot, Ana Sofia in the back, Percy up front with Roderick.

"You know the situation?" asked Percy.

Roderick coughed and nodded. "Yeah yeah. I take you to the temple and back, hopefully with the big man. Let's try and make it quick, I have a hair appointment."

Percy lifted the elf's hat, showing Ana Sofia he was completely bald underneath. They laughed with their mouths covered together as the chariot began to move.

"You'll love Japan, Ana. I once knew a frog there. Hope he hasn't croaked!" Percy laughed and slapped his knee.

Roderick rolled his eyes and steered the reindeer, pulling the chariot into the portal with a whip.


Christmas carols played on their way to Japan.

"You get carols in your portal?!" Percy asked like he was jealous.

"You don't got em in the Scotland portal?"

"No! We used to have 24/7 bagpipes but there were too many complaints and one or two deaths."

"To be honest I'm more looking forward to the plush seats we're getting next year," said Roderick.

"Music and plush seats? You've got it made, Roderick."

"No complaints," Roderick shrugged. "We'll be landing by the temple in a minute here."

Ana Sofia poked her head forward. "Is that where Santa was last seen?"

Roderick confirmed that it was.

Then the portal began to glow.

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