🎄Chapter 10: Leaving Japan🎄

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When Ana Sofia and Percy got back to the parked chariot Roderick was nowhere to be found.

Percy hovered over to the two reindeer. Both looked like they were hiding something from him.

"Where is he?" he asked.

The first reindeer cleared his throat. "He'll be back in no time."

Percy sighed and sat on the side of the chariot, accepting the fact he'd just have to wait.

The two reindeer kept laughing.

"Do it," one said quietly.

"You sure?" asked the other.

"Yeah come on! Do it! It'll be great!"

"What in the nutcracker are you two talking about?" the fairy demanded to know.

Then he backed away in terror as a smell like a thousand rotten eggs reached his nostrils and made him cough.

The reindeer laughed uncontrollably while both Ana Sofia and Percy covered their noses.

"Come on, man!" cried the fairy while hovering away, trying to wave the smell back in their direction.

Roderick returned, calling out to Percy.

"Percy! I'm back! Oh sweet Saint Nick, what is that smell?!"

Percy pointed at the reindeer. "Your reindeer should be brought up on crimes against humanity!"

Roderick put his hands on his hips and gave the reindeer the stink eye. "What did you do this time?"

The reindeer simply burst into laughter again, and luckily the smell was mostly gone by that time anyway.

"So. No Santa?" Roderick asked Ana Sofia.

She lowered her head sadly, but Roderick propped her chin up.

"Don't lose hope. Still two spots left to search right?"

Ana Sofia lifted her head and nodded. He was right, but striking out on her first official investigation still didn't feel very good.

Once everyone was securely inside the chariot, Roderick steered them back towards the opening portal in the sky above the mountain, and entered it.


The ride back to the station was smooth, allowing conversation to be heard easily.

"Where did you run off to?" asked Percy with a raised brow.

Ana Sofia remembered their driver had indeed gone off on his own for a while.

"Who me?" asked Roderick innocently.

"Aye you!"

"Not telling."

Percy reached into his shirt pocket and Ana Sofia knew he was retrieving a spell, but only did so for show, since as soon as Roderick noticed, he cracked and gave in.

"Alright! I'll tell you! Just don't use the dust! Not the dust again!"

Percy laughed and clapped with satisfaction as he leaned back in his seat. "Ha! I knew it would work. So let's have it. Where'd ya go?"

Roderick took a deep breath. "Let's just say I had some 'business' in Tokyo. Business of the unfinished and unresolved nature."

"That sounds... really bad," said Ana Sofia.

"Nah just some old 'friends' ya know?"

"And how did it go with these 'friends?'"

"Let's just say these 'friends' may or may not have chased me directly back out of Tokyo."

"You're a strange elf, Roderick."

"And you're a strange fairy."

"You're both pretty strange to me, to be honest," Ana Sofia pointed out to them both.

"That's fair," admitted Roderick and Percy agreed.

Then the portal glowed.


Roderick landed the chariot on the platform of the station gently.

"You're still a good driver, Roderick," said Percy, patting his elf friend on the back.

"Thanks. Maybe I'll retire in two hundred years instead of a hundred now after that compliment."

Ana Sofia and Percy fluttered out of the chariot and stood on the edge of the platform.

"Thank you for the ride, Roderick!" said Ana Sofia.

Roderick bowed. "You're very welcome, m'lady. I like her a lot better than you, Percy. She has manners."

The fairy rolled his eyes. "Thanks, Roderick, get yourself a couple of less farty reindeer."

Roderick chuckled and waved him off.

Percy stepped off the platform first and Ana Sofia only joined him after a deep breath. She still wasn't exactly used to being able to fly, and didn't have complete confidence the air would catch her every single time.

"Well that's it for today," said Percy, leading her to the portal that would take her home.

"Scotland tomorrow?" asked Ana Sofia. Eager to continue the investigation.

Percy swallowed hard at the question.

"You okay?"

Percy shook his head, but said he was fine.

Ana Sofia crossed her arms and gave him a look she'd often seen her mother give her. It was easy to tell he was lying. "Percy..."

He hurried her toward the glowing portal, eager to avoid saying anything about Scotland.

"Okay off ya go, lassie! Good night, good morning, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!"



When the glow faded she found herself back in bed in her moonlit room.

"Fairies!" she sighed with a pound of her first then went to the window.

Polaris was flickering in the night sky, almost as if it was waving or blinking at her.

Ana Sofia and the Search for SantaWhere stories live. Discover now