🎄Chapter 5: Percy the Fairy (Of Sorts)🎄

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From a shallow pit beneath Polaris on the edge of town, groans came, and soon a creature pulled itself out rubbing a bump on its head which rose above its short blond hair. Its big green eyes scanned the horizon, focusing on Breen Street. On Ana Sofia's house.

"Probably should've taken the chariot, Percy, ya fool."

Percy climbed fully out of the pit. His pointy ears twitched at the sounds of traffic and nocturnal animals.

After brushing himself off he took a glance over his shoulder and saw his wings were still attached, and with a quick shake of his body, he felt them flutter and knew he could fly.

"Back in action, baby."

With a grin, he took off and flew for Breen Street with one particular house in mind.


Once he reached the house, Percy checked every window.

The Wilson parents were sound asleep in their bed.

Next door, Ashley was still wide awake, listening to music through headphones at a volume entirely too loud while scrolling on her phone.

Where is Ana? He thought.

Downstairs, Albert was pacing around the living room with the TV as his only light source, talking on the phone.

"No you're my little buttercup, no you, no you are!"

Percy's cheeks turned green and he nearly puked, but held it in and flew back up to the second floor. Fluttering to the other side of the house, he finally found Ana Sofia asleep in her bed.

"Ah hah!"

He tried to lift open the window from below but it didn't budge. He tried again and again until finally thinking of a better way to open it.

He smashed it open. Then hovered inside.


Right after entering, Percy went to wake Ana Sofia, but then realized leaving a hole in her window and broken glass on the floor probably wasn't the best look.

He stuck out his hand and used a magic spell to lift the broken bits off the floor and back into place. Soon the windowpane was good as new.

Once it was all neatly set, Percy nodded with satisfaction and then flew to her bedside, where Ana Sofia hadn't even stirred.

Jeez. Heavy sleeper.

He tried poking her, but that didn't work.

He tried clapping next, but that didn't work either. Ana Sofia was still sound asleep.

Percy scratched his head and looked around for solutions. What else could he do?

"Ah ha!" he said with a snap of his fingers.

His brilliant plan was to grab her ear and scream into it.

"WAKE UP!!!"

That finally did the trick. Ana Sofia slowly opened her eyes and yawned. Once she was fully awake, she sat up and stared at him in shock. Like she was slowly realizing it wasn't a dream.

She opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out.

"No scream spell," said Percy. "They really come in handy. I'm so sick of bursting into people's homes and having them scream their heads off. It wakes up the neighbors, the police get involved, I have to hide, it's just a big hassle!"

Percy brought a hand to his chin and thought about what he'd just said. "Come to think of it that makes me sound a wee bit crazy, doesn't it?"

Ana Sofia nodded. Her eyes were still wide with uncertainty.

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