🎄Chapter 25: Christmas Eve🎄

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With her mother preoccupied and her father and siblings already asleep, Ana Sofia crept downstairs and got herself a bowl of ice cream and turned on the TV. Some channels had already transformed into the yule log. Images of roaring fireplaces with Christmas music playing to the flames.

Her late night party for one was ended soon after it started, however, as her mother walked into the room with a surprised look on her face.

"Think Santa will come if you're up all night partying?" she teased.

"He'll come," said Ana Sofia with a smile. "I know it."


On Polaris, Santa was in his sleigh with the massive sack of toys fastened to the back. The eight reindeer were saddled up and ready to go.

Mrs. Claus' voice came through on his dashboard radio.

"Red man, this is snow hair, over. Are you ready, dear?"

Santa nodded. "Let's get this show on the road."

He took the reigns and the sleigh lifted off the snow outside the workshop.

"You're all clear, red man. I've got my coffee and will be with you all night. Be careful."

"What would I do without you?"

A portal opened beside the moon, and Santa flew straight into it.


Peering over the railing at the top of the stairs, Ana Sofia saw a giant burlap sack hit the floor of the fireplace and snuck away just in the nick of time with a smile the size of Polaris on her face.

Droplets of rain soon began to adorn the windows. 

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