🎄Chapter 24: Celebrations🎄

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The news of Santa's rescue spread fast. It was on every screen, every radio station, and on the front page of every paper. Not a soul could walk down the street without hearing about it.

"The news is still coming in but it is great news indeed! Santa Claus has been rescued! Back to you, Tom!" said one reporter.

"Thank you, Tom! We're gonna go now to to Tom who has some new information from Tom!" said another.

Crowds cheered in the streets while the news played.

On Jingle Bell Lane, bands stopped their shows to break the news. "We've got righteous news! The big man in red is back!"

The cheering continued well into the night.

Elves who had been without purpose in Santa's absence sprang up and got back to work upon hearing the news.

"Back on schedule! Everyone back to work!"


In the dining room of the Claus home, fairies and penguin servants carried rich smelling plates of food to all in attendance for the celebration feast.

Ana Sofia smiled big each and every time a new platter was presented. From chocolate cakes to cinnamon rolls, to things she didn't even know how to pronounce, each dish was a gift.

A singing fairy came out of the kitchen in a chef's hat mixing something in a large pot while pouring his heart into his song. When he reached Santa at the head of the table he presented the pot then fluttered away, bowing.

"Your grace..."

Santa licked his lips. "I dunno what 'your grace' means but thanks!"

Percy hovered close to the pot. "What is that?"

Santa shook his head. "I dunno but it smells great!"

The big man tapped a large spoon against the pot and stood. Everyone at the table fell silent and gave Santa their full attention.

"Before the feast begins, there's something I wish to say." He motioned one of his big hands to Ana Sofia. "Ana Sofia Wilson is the reason we are gathered here today. In the face of uncertainty, she showed bravery, resolve, and spirit."

"Here here!" agreed Mrs. Claus.

Santa smiled at his wife. "And I have never seen someone walk so fearlessly into snowman cave in all my life as her! Ana Sofia! Tonight is for you!"

Everyone applauded and Ana Sofia rose without the nervous feeling in her stomach and chest. Commanding the attention of all.

"Without everyone's help, I never would've been able to do any of this. It wasn't just me. We all worked together."

"And that," said Santa. "Is a beautiful thing, and the true meaning of the holiday season. Now. Please. Everyone. Feast!"

Santa and Ana Sofia sat back down. Her first choice of treat was a penguin shaped cookie that tasted minty.

"What is this?" she asked with a look towards Percy.

"Oh that's a penguin cookie. Made from real penguin."

A penguin servant's jaw hit the floor.

Percy laughed. "I'm kidding! It's peppermint shortbread! The shape is a coincidence."

Ana Sofia took another bite then closed her yes. Savoring the amazing flavor.

"Kinda melts in your mouth, huh?" said Percy.

Ana Sofia nodded and finished chewing before asking him something.

"Percy. What do fairies eat?"

Percy picked up a croissant.

"Everything in sight."


Near the chocolate fountain in the parlor, Ana Sofia and Percy hugged Sheriff Garcia and Deputy Gunther goodbye, then greeted Mr. And Mrs. Claus for another round of farewells.

"Nobody will ever forget what you did here, Ana Sofia," said Santa.

She gave him a big hug.

"This isn't goodbye," he said, patting her back. "I will be at your house very soon after all."

Ana Sofia smiled and offered him the wayfinder, but he curled her fingers around it in her palm.

"It was a gift."

She wanted to refuse. To question him more about it. But Santa did know best after all, so she pocketed it.

Mrs. Claus hugged her next. "Thank you so much for finding my husband. You did phenomenal work, dear."

"And what about her trusty fairy sidekick?" asked Percy with a clear of the throat.

Mrs. Claus crossed her arms and gave him a look Ana Sofia's mother gave her often before being grounded, but Santa's belly laugh saved him from such a fate.

"Don't worry, Percy! I'll make sure you're very well accommodated for years to come."

Percy smiled with satisfaction and landed on Ana Sofia's shoulder. "Being your partner through all this was a pretty good gig after all."

Mrs. Claus told them that though she hated to see them go, it was time for Santa to rest and prepare.

"Are you flying with him?" Ana Sofia asked of Mrs. Claus.

Mrs. Claus laughed. "Oh no, dearie. Not since the seventies. Now I just monitor everything from ground control. I'm in constant contact with him when he's in that rickety sleigh."

Ana Sofia wanted to see how it all went down, but she knew that couldn't be. Santa wouldn't even come to her house unless she was asleep in her bed after all, and she didn't want to ruin things for the rest of the family.

"We won't keep you," said Percy, taking flight.

Santa thanked them both for everything again before Mrs. Claus saw them out the door.


Once out in the snow, Percy sighed.


"What happens now?"

She had a feeling a goodbye was coming. She knew Percy wouldn't be around forever, and that fact made her heart hurt. She wasn't ready.

"Now it's time for you to head home, little lady."

"Will I see you again?" She asked, trying to hold back the forming tears.

Percy flew in front of her so he was exactly at eye level.

"Would you like me to come see you on Christmas?"

Ana Sofia nodded right away. "Please."

"Aye, it's a deal then."

She reached her arms forward and gently hugged him.

"Good work today, lassie."

"You too."

Once the hug ended, Percy rubbed his hands together.

"Okay, time to make you disappear. To whisk you away back to your very strange home planet."

Percy reached for a vial and Ana Sofia closed her eyes.

She heard his voice in the dark.

"See ya soon, lass."

Ana Sofia and the Search for SantaWhere stories live. Discover now