🎄Chapter 19: Jingle Bell Lane🎄

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Jingle Bell Lane was a long stretch of snowy road with buildings and public parks.

Ana Sofia first saw a choir of fairies dressed in old fashioned clothes, singing from song books in front of them on a platform under a dome. 

"Where is Santa? Where did he go? Where is Santa?"

"Ouch my toe!" One of the elves suddenly grabbed his foot and hopped up and down.

Further down the street past several ships with neon 'open' signs, a reindeer in a leather vest and sunglasses ran out, fell to his knees, and yelled to the sky.

"I've got blisters on my hooves!"

Next, Ana Sofia and Percy passed a jazz club, with saxophone music blaring inside. All around them was music of many kinds. There was so much music it was hard for her to think. She understood why Percy hadn't wanted to come.

"I see what you mean about this place!"

Percy popped out ear plugs and asked her what she said.

"I said I understand what you mean about this place!" she shouted again.

Percy nodded, then shook his head. "I have no idea what you just said but okay, yeah, sure!"

Once they were beyond most of the shops, a reindeer trotted by singing "La la la!" at the top of his lungs.

Percy shoved the reindeer away. "See! This is why I hate this place!"

"Where's the blues club?" asked Ana Sofia, looking around.

"All the way at the end of the lane," said Percy. "Just keep moving."

They continued, but only took a few more steps before a polar bear with a key-tar started walking beside them. His voice sounded like he worked on the radio.

"Hey, how would you two like to join a band? We play good stuff, like disco-synth."

"I don't know what that is," Ana Sofia admitted.

"Don't encourage anyone, just keep moving," said Percy.

Without an answer to his question, the polar bear wandered off.

They passed a small pond where a group of narwhals sang cowboy songs in matching hats.

The last obstacle in their way before the end of the street was a small stage where a band was playing with their guitar cases open, collecting coins.

A red nosed reindeer was the vocalist, a jolly snowman with a button nose and two eyes made of coal was on guitar, and a tall, think skeleton in a Santa suit was on bass guitar next to a fuzzy green man on drums.

The band finished their song to no applause, and the red nosed reindeer thanked the crowd of only the two of them then sneezed.

"Sorry, I'm a bit under the weather today," he said.

"We sure do love playing for all of you!" said the snowman.

The green skinned man threw out his arms. "We hope we've returned some Christmas joy into your hearts!"

Ana Sofia swore she recognized all of them. They weren't just jolly snowmen, red-nosed reindeer, and green men. They were movie stars! Living legends!

"What happened to you guys?!" she asked.

Percy hurried her along. "You get that group talking and we'll be here all night."

They finally reached the end of the lane and looked up at a flashing sign.

Mrs. Claus! Tonight!

Percy exhaled with relief. "Phew! Didn't think we'd make it."

"I hope she can help us."

"If she can't I don't know who will. Let's head inside."

Ana Sofia and the Search for SantaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant