𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗★

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Orion quickly began to fill his plate with sweets rather than actual food. He glanced over at Walburga, noticing she hadn't placed anything on her plate. "Are you going to eat?" he asked.

Walburga looked up at Orion, a subtle quirk in her eyebrow. "I'll eat when I'm hungry," she replied, her tone carrying a hint of indifference.

She continued to survey the banquet without making a move to fill her plate, seemingly unbothered by the array of tempting dishes before her.

Deep down, she knew why she wasn't bothering to eat. It seemed her mother's voice made a home inside of her head.

She could practically hear her say 'We wouldn't want to take out your dresses anymore would we?' Shaking her head to dispel the echoing words, she looked at Orion, who was unabashedly stuffing his face with a piece of pie.

Walburga's gaze lingered on him for a moment, a mixture of envy and resentment flashing in her eyes. While Orion indulged in the pleasures of the banquet without a care, she grappled with the ingrained expectations that dictated her choices.

Sighing once more she leaned into the table serving herself a cup of juice.

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Once all the students had finished their meals, they were excused by Headmaster Dippet. The hall echoed with the sounds of scraping chairs and shuffling footsteps as each house prefect led their fellow students to their respective common rooms.

The air buzzed with the excited chatter of students, sharing anecdotes of their summer adventures and speculating about the challenges and mysteries the new school year might bring.

Walburga and Orion took their time, walking behind their fellow Slytherins. The dimly lit corridors added a touch of intimacy to their stroll.

He had made his friends walk ahead of them, so he would have time with Walburga.

As they moved through the castle, the distant sounds of conversations and laughter surrounded them.

Coughing to break the comfortable silence, Orion spoke up. "My father spoke to me about the Alliance. Grindelwald is gaining more traction among the halfblood families it seems."

The weight of his words hung in the air, disrupting the calm atmosphere between them.

She stopped and looked at him, her eyes showed no emotion as she asked him "What do you think of it?" She had hoped he would answer her in the way she wanted. There was a quiet intensity in her gaze, a subtle expectation that he would answer in a way that aligned with her thoughts.

It was silent.

He looked at her as if she was asking a ridiculous question his eyebrows frowned "It's great news, it will give us a higher opportunity to gain his favor when we graduate."

Walburga's gaze remained fixed on him, her expression inscrutable. "And what about the consequences? The path Grindelwald is paving is marked with turmoil and bloodshed," she countered, her tone betraying a subtle hint of concern beneath the composed surface.

"Is gaining his favor worth the potential cost?"

Scoffing at her, he started walking towards the common room, and she swiftly followed suit. "It is not our place to judge the faults of others; only our own. Where we stand is all that matters," he asserted, a cold pragmatism lacing his words.

"If a few lives are lost at the cost of our own, then so be it. Sacrifices are the currency of power, and Grindelwald offers a path to a future where our family thrives." His conviction echoed the unwavering commitment to the principles ingrained in their pureblood society.

As they continued walking, Walburga met his gaze with a steely resolve. "Sacrifices may be the currency of power, but we must be mindful of the price we're willing to pay. Blind allegiance to power without consideration for the consequences can lead us down a dark path," she responded, her voice carrying a measured intensity.

Reaching the common room, Orion uttered the password, and they entered. Before they could step inside, he stopped her, studying her face. "Enough," he said firmly, his gaze piercing. "The path we follow is already predetermined, so enough."

His words held a note of finality as if cautioning against dwelling too deeply on the uncertainties that lay ahead.

As they entered the common room, they were met with the familiar sight of the green and silver decor that defined Slytherin's house.

The low hum of conversations and the crackling of the fireplace created a comforting ambiance, contrasting with the weighty discussions that had transpired in the corridors.

Orion looked at her once more before nodding. "We mustn't be afraid of our cause; it will only benefit us in the end," he stated with conviction.

His gaze held a mix of reassurance and determination as if urging her to embrace the predetermined path laid out for them.

"We must ensure the greatness of the House of Black, and that requires sacrifice and unwavering commitment. In the end, we will be rewarded for our loyalty." The echo of generations past resonated in his voice, emphasizing the legacy they were expected to uphold.

He bid her goodnight, leaving her to absorb the truth, he was right in a way. He had accepted the ideal thrust upon him. Maybe she should have at least tried.

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The Tragedy of Walburga BlackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora