Reyansh: How are you feeling now ?

Vaishu: good.. she said I was asleep for a long time. I m sorry.. 

Vaishu looked for Ishaan and Ishika trying to get down but both Reyansh and Mithun stopped her.

Reyansh: Vaishu, they are fine and we took care of them. I m sorry but doctor said to keep them away until you recover.

Vaishu: But they will be hungry...Its been so many hours.

Reyansh: We fed them formula milk which doctor suggested and they are sleeping and will wake up any time. You should be hungry and I have informed the chef to prepare porridge for you.

Mithun called the maid to get porridge in a bowl and once it was brought Reyansh took in his hand to feed her but Vaishu took in her hands to eat.

Reyansh Mv: Another chance missed. Its ok something better will happen.

Mithun: Vaishu how did you fall in fever all of a sudden ? do you have any allergies to strawberries ?

Vaishu: No, I ... I.. I m not to used to cold items and fall ill immediately. 

Reyansh: What the fu.. I mean why did you drink the smoothie then ? You should have told me that you are not supposed to take cold drinks.

Vaishu: But it was tempting and I loved it. I always wanted to taste some cold drinks but everyone has denied me so I couldn't resist when I saw it in the morning.

Reyansh: No more cold drinks to you in your life. Forget to even dream about it. How could you ? I mean why didn't you think of muffins before you decided to drink it ? Atleast you didn't think about your health ?

He wanted to scold more but Vaishu pouted and a tear escaped her eye which made him stop and he huffed trying to be calm.

Reyansh: I m sorry and its ok to have a cheat day once in a while. Now finish the porridge and go back to rest.

Vaishu: No, I m fine now and will make dinner for you.

Mithun: Chef has done and you are not fine so have your tablets and go back to sleep.

Vaishu looked the crib with longing eyes and tears rolled her cheeks. Reyansh and Mithun carried Ishaan and Ishika to her and she gently touched their head.

Vaishu: I m sorry Ishu, Ishi.. I gave into my temptation and you had to suffer because of me. I m a bad mother. Forgive me please.

Reyansh: You are the best mother in this world. If someone has to be blamed then it should be me. If only I hadn't made that smoothie to you.

Vaishu: No no please don't say that. You didn't know about my weakness. I m fine now.

Reyansh: Doctor said you will be fine completely atleast by tomorrow so just rest and I will take care of muffins.

Vaishu: But you have been taking care of them for so long already so don't trouble yourself. I will take someone's help for the night.

Reyansh: Why will I give my muffins to someone else when I m here to take care of them. 

Mithun Mv: Will they realize there is another human in this room along with Ishaan and Ishika. 

Mithun cleared his throat and Reyansh glared at him for disturbing the longest conversation he was having with Vaishu for the first time.

Mithun: Rey, come lets go prepare milk. Ishu babies are already awake in the crib.

Reyansh quickly gave the tablets to Vaishu and left the room with Mithun carrying Ishaan and Ishika. 

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