Celestial Drakes Part 1

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SOMEWHERE, In the Celestial Drake's homeworld.

Velezark: Grrr...

Tiki: ...My...My lord, I-

Velezark: RAAAAGH!


Out of unexpected rage, Velezark punches the floor causing the entire divine palace to shake like an earthquake. The force of the punch let out a powerful purple aura that scared Tiki to her core.

Velezark: They're everywhere...those...those demons could wipe our species and everywhere they go, they kill more of us and take more worlds! How could Sothis DO something like this?!

Tiki: My lord, she-

Velezark: ENOUGH...of your words! Sothis has betrayed us and seeks to bring us into shambles! The more you defend her, I will have you banished!

Tiki: Huh?! But...I...my apologies!

Velezark: Grrr! All we have to do is bring the galaxies together and we'll rule the stars! But why must she go against us? To use this orb, we need her power along with ours! Time is running out and if we don't think of something, we'll have to wage war on these demons!

Dragoon: *Gasp* Lord Velezark! What if we don't need Sothis's power?

Velezark: What are talking about?! Are blind?!

Dragoon: No, I have a better idea that could help us! Instead of Sothis's power, what if we use...her daughter's power?

Tiki: Wait...Rhea?! You want her to go against her mother?! If Sothis finds this out, she and that metal thing she's with will kill you all! We should think of something else!

Velezark: No! This could work...and I know exactly who should go and face this Rhea. Tiki, if you want to come to terms with Sothis, go ahead and speak with Rhea.

Tiki: Me?! B-but I can't-

Velezark: You were so eager to stop Sothis's actions. See her, and make her go against the demons she has brought here. Make Fódlan go against them and lose their trust in the outsiders. We'll be rising to the top for the victory.

Tiki: I...can't...

Velezark: Do you want to lose your friend? Or, bring her back for the greater good?

Morning Time

It's morning and the battle against the Reconoids has finally ended but the mess caused by them is one of the situations they have to recover from.

With their deadly forces of bloodthirsty creatures, the Reconoids have caused enough injuries to the knight and Marines. Not only their injuries but the many alien corpses that drenched the green soil and buildings. Lots and lots of Reconoid corpses that need to be dealt with but luckily, the U.N.S.F, U.N.S.I, and the U.N.S.E, have lent their helping hands to aid the people of the Monastery.

With the U.N.S.F's help, Catherine and her group of medics aided the many helpless people who lost their limbs from the savage aliens that mauled the living hell outta them. But with the help of the mages who could use healing magic, their usefulness was appreciated by Catherine.

The U.N.S.I and the U.N.S.E. also helped the Monastery by guarding their home with extra protection and unbelievable walls from anything that came close to their home.

While others saw this as an act of unexpected kindness, Lady Rhea could see no act of kindness from them. From what she thinks, if more and more of her people depend on this unholy heretic technology, they might lose their belief in the goddess. Depending on such technology instead of praying to their creator.

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