The Sangheili Mech's Secrets Part 2

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An hour earlier while Genesis and Max are walking around the ARK.

Catherine: Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: What is it?

Catherine: Do you see... our know?

Elizabeth: You kidding me? What makes you think I see that Rust Headed dude as "our" brother?

Catherine: Come on Elizabeth, he may not be our blood brother but he's still one of a kind to me. Back when we were kids he tried his best to make you see him as a brother!

Elizabeth: All he did was make you distant from me... that's it!

Elizabeth walks ahead of Catherine while Catherine stops walking for a sec while she gets a little mad.

Catherine: At least he understood who I was.

They both walk for a little until they stop in front of a big mysterious door.

Elizabeth opens it with her key card and the door opens, as they go in they hear some smooth piano and violin music with an old woman sitting in front of a big desk, looking through a telescope.

???: Could've knocked.

Elizabeth: Sorry but we have some interesting news...and guest.

???: Hmm, and what might this guest be?

Catherine: Oh shit, h-hey Ma!

Dr.Halsey (Catherine and Elizabeth's biological mother and Jack's mother figure)

Halsey (Catherine and Elizabeth's biological mother and Jack's mother figure)

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Dr.Halsey hears a familiar voice and she drops everything on her hand to the desk as she gets up slowly. She turns around to see her young daughter behind her at disbelief.

Dr.Halsey: C-Catherine?!

Catherine: Uhh, hey!

Halsey hugs Catherine without a second thought and holds her tight, leaving Catherine no choice but to hug back.

Dr.Halsey: My's long? Two years?

Catherine: Yup! Two years I guess.

Elizabeth: It's not even "I guess" you left for two years.

Dr.Halsey: Elizabeth..your sister is here and she looks wonderfully well! How you've been honey?

Catherine: Pfft, good! Just being myself, if you know what I mean.

Dr.Halsey: hmm, and your brother?

Catherine: Uh-ummm, well you see...

Elizabeth: He's here as well Mom.

Dr.Halsey: Is he now?

Catherine: Surprise, oh forget it.

Dr.Halsey: If he's here then there must be a reason why...with you.

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