Sothis, The Goddess Of Foldan

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Somewhere, in a different galaxy...

As Velezark, Tiki, Dragoon, and the rest of the dragons watch the Blind Dragon's recent living footage, they can see how quickly they were killed by Jack, Max, and Caboose. They watched in shock as the Blind Dragons were easily taken down, The weapons the three pilots used looked brutal and dangerous. Unleashing unknown firey projectiles that were terrifying to watch as they pierced the dragon's tough scales.

Tiki: My god...Sothis wasn't lying about weapons...and giant metal golems. That other one killed the other Blind Dragon in an instant!

Velezark: Hm, what type of situation have you brought yourself into, Sothis?

As they watched, even more, the blue eyes coming from the Titans already drove a spear through the many dragon's souls. They knew nothing of the humans on the other side, and they knew that they were brutal and showed no mercy to their victims. Sure, they feared Jack and Caboose with their deadly weapons, but for some reason, seeing Max was nothing they'd never seen before. Max's unforeseen sword stance and his quick slash to cut the dragon into pieces were enough for all of the dragons watching to look away in fear.

Dragon: What...what in god's name is that one?!

Dragon 2: That one cut him into pieces...what on earth is that one?

Dragon 3: Is he a demon?!

Everyone was afraid, confused, and frustrated over Sothis, thinking that she betrayed them and wanted to rule their race. Seemingly the only one who was worried for her friend was Tiki, now wondering what had happened to her since she was in enemy territory. Are they gonna kill? Are they gonna torture her? Or are they gonna let her live? These questions and worries were enough to overwhelm Tiki.

While Tiki's worries were all about Sothis, Velezark was also afraid but tried his best to be the leader he knew he was.

Velezark: *Sigh* Grr...listen! I know seeing these unknown creatures may strike a hole through your heart but trust that they will do nothing to get here in our galaxy. We have ruled over these stars for millenniums and we have the great power over this galaxy! If they come, they'll be praying that they had never come here in the first place!

Dragon: B-but what about that one? How do we kill that one?!

Velezark looked at the Blind Dragon's magical footage and looked at footage of Max easily killing the Blind Dragon in just a second, causing Velezark to gulp.

Velezark: No need to worry, that thing will die by our hands before it takes more of our people.

Tiki: I just hope Sothis is okay.

Velezark: You worry too much about her. She is a traitor to our people and Fóldan, a traitor to those who pray to her for protection and strength...she has already given false hope to them.

Tiki: But...but think about it, those large creatures are a threat to Fódlan and to us, and yet, we stand here, bragging about our power. Maybe Sothis is trying to help us-

Velezark: Your faith in her is a waste of your time, Tiki! Learn to understand that...or you'll be seen as a traitor as well!

Velezark's voice echoed through the castle as he raised his voice toward Tiki.

Velezark: Grr...*sigh* You people are dismissed, go.

As the dragons and Velezark walk away, Tiki is still left worried and shaking for Sothis.

Tiki: Please come back, Sothis.


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