A Goddess?!

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Moments later after Jack Rust Headed ass kinda broke Catherine's "Personal Project", Catherine leaves the room with the Exosuit while Max and Jack are alone privately to talk.

Max: Alright what's the problem Cooper? You've been acting kinda weird lately.

Jack: Shh quiet we don't want to be heard-

Max: Then you automatically flew like you were in creative mode on Minecraft!

Jack: MAX! Listen I'm gonna tell you something but you need to stay quiet about it.

Max: If it's gonna malfunction my brain system then I won't stay quiet.

Jack: This isn't actually a good time to be the funny robo right now.

Max: Funny Robo?! You know what? Just tell me and I promise I'll stay quiet.

Jack: You sure? Last time I told you a secret, you said something infront of Catherine and she kinapped you and hacked into your tech brain.

Max: HEY! We do not talk about that time! She strapped me to a chair and gave me those creepy questions with the computer.

Jack: If you would've kept your robo mouth up then you wouldn't have created a new phobia for yourself.

Max: Shut up!

Jack: Anyways, this secret is gonna be...weird, crazy, and it'll answer everything about why I was acting weird. You ready?

Max: Cooper just tell me

Jack: Are you sure?


Jack: Alright, remember that time when I was gonna get some fresh air and all?

Max: Yeah

Jack: Tell me why I found a cave with a big stone that lid up blue and a giant women woke up and stated she was "A Goddess" and she's inside me right now?

Genesis: "A Goddess"? You saying it like I'm not.

Jack: {Cuz I don't know if you're telling the truth}

Max looks at Jack for a little bit in silence and wonders if he's gone crazy or something and finally says something.

Max: Cooper....are you ok? Has your mom gotten to your head?

Jack: What? I mean...could she be wrong about those things?

Max: Mind if I pull a gun on you?

Jack: No I MEAN YEAH! Of course I mind I don't wanna be dead cuz I told something weird.

Max: Are you high? Drunk? When you said you were getting fresh air I think meant you were getting high.

Jack: I'M NOT HIGH! I know it sounds crazy but I'm actually telling you an honest secret.

Max: I don't think so.

Jack: {God! What's it gonna take to make him believe me?}

Genesis: Let me handle this!

Jack: {What are gonna do?}

Genesis comes out of Jack's soul and reveals herself to Max and Jack, her giant body is so big it breaks some parts in the room and knocks her head on the ceiling.


Genesis: OW! Hold on lemme OW!


Genesis falls to the floor infront of Max and Jack scaring Max mostly and multiple objects fall on Genesis's head.

Jack: Thought you said you were gonna handle it?

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