Battle's End Part 1

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Everything is falling apart, Arbiter is caught and is seen as a traitor, Catherine is to be executed at the hands of Arbiter, and Planet Rogue as well as the U.N.S.X. is gone thanks mostly to the Flood. Will the war end? Will the Flood meet its end? Who knows, but hope is in their hands if they work together.

Planet Rogue and its city is gone, the ashes of buildings and half-destroyed U.N.S.X. Titans and Marines lay across dead. Jack in his Titan, walks around along with Max and Caboose while their Commanding ships are still in space for safety.

Max: Jesus's nothing I've ever seen before. Genesis, getting anything?

Genesis: No, but I can feel their souls, Furious, and strong. You feel it too, Jack?

Jack: Yeah, it's a weird feeling...

Commander Tai: *Contacts Jack* Jack, get anything?

Jack: Nothing yet, Sir. We're still searching. Genesis, scan if there's any tech still intact.

Genesis: I'll see what I can do...I hope I know what I'm doing, heh!

Max: Yo, Cooper! Come look at this.

Jack: What's the matter?

Max points to the ground to show him the footsteps of what seem to be human footprints and Sanghelli footprints.

Max: Think they could be-

Jack: Catherine and the Arbiter? Probably.

Genesis: Jack, I'm getting something to your left, it looks...oh god!

Jack looks to his left to see a dead Flood tentacle hanging from the rubble of a ruined destroyed building, it also looks like it was shot due to the hole that's damaged by something.

Genesis: Check it, it could be a soldier under it I think!

Jack lifts the rubble off of the dead infected Marine and picks it up to examine its corpse.

Jack: Ew, those Floods don't fuck around when they infect others.

Genesis: It's radio, it was on the entire time. Maybe if I could just...

Genesis tries her best to use her AI ability but once she figured it out, it was almost like solving a common easy puzzle before pressing a button

Genesis: Oh, not so bad at all, ok! Umm...


Genesis: that important...maybe this?

Radio Marine: (AAAAAAAAAH!!)

Genesis: NOPE, NOPE, NOPE! Definitely don't wanna hear that! Ok, a little bit further in...ok...uh huh! it!

Radio, Gravemind: (Heh heh heh, such a touching moment *disturbing growl* learning of your origin Arbiter was very very interesting!)

Genesis: You getting this, Jack?

Jack: Yeah, I am. Who the hell is this?

Genesis: Hold on, listen more!

Radio Arbiter: (What do you want?!)

Radio Gravemind: (I just came to see another world taken by me again! Thousands of worlds in the palm of my hand are still not enough for my needs! *disturbing growl*)

Radio Catherine: (Thousands of worlds?! You didn't tell me that!)

Jack: That's Catherine's voice!

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