Sangheili Mech Secrets

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While Max and Genesis are wandering around the gigantic building, Jack and Catherine follow Elizabeth into her lab to show her what their reason of being here.

They use some of the lab's power tech to turn on the Sangheili Mech but they can only see a little of the Mech's memory camera, seeing little bits of it.

Elizabeth: Hmm I can see why you brought this here. What are you trying to get out of this? How the hell did you two get your hands on this?

Jack: Believe or not but a Mother came to Vultra City and attacked the City.

Elizabeth: A Mother?! This planet hasn't been attacked by a Mother long? But wait, what does it gotta do with this Mech?

Jack: When I got on top of the Mother to stop it's strong storm I encountered the Sangheili Mech that was for some reason guarding the Mother's weird looking antenna thing. Of course I took a hitting but you see me right here living! After that the Covenant came out of nowhere and killed the Mother and dipped out immediately, leaving us with multiple questions.

Elizabeth: The Covenant killing the that's strange..wait, did you say antenna? Sorry to tell you this but Mothers don't have antennas.

Both Jack and Catherine get surprised and confused about what Elizabeth just said to them.

Jack: What?! What are talking about? I thought it's antenna generates electricity to create a powerful storm and it's electric aura.

Elizabeth: A storm? Let me correct you, Mothers generate electricity with their wings like a giant eel and thus it creates it's own electric aura but it's not strong enough to make storms or anything. There's been research on  the Mother that came to this planet years ago and they search every inch of it's dead body and found no reports of it having an antenna.

Catherine: So there is something off about this.

Elizabeth: Looks like your dead Sangheili Mech boy right here is part of something important and dangerous. But I have one question for you Jack.

Jack: Uh oh, what is it?

Elizabeth: If you killed the Sangheili on top of the Mother, how did you survive the electricity? One shock can explode and kill you and here you are right now.

Jack: (How do I lie about this?) Well ummm, you see...I-I uhhh, shoot, I Mean! W-Well...

Catherine: I helped him uhh... upgrade his Titan! Yeah we gathered some... enemy tech, armor and weapons to have him tank the electriceity for only...

Jack: 12 minutes! Yup, 12 minutes! And since my Commander took notice he umm... suspended me.

Elizabeth: Suspended you? From using your Titan? But didn't you save them or something?


Catherine: Anyways, we're gonna need some extra help with this....and I don't wanna find her so you do it and bring her here now.

Elizabeth: Oh come on, Mom would love to see your face after two years.

Catherine: Yeah, you might be right! What about Jack?

Elizabeth: What about him?

Jack: What about me again?

Catherine: You sure you'll be fine? There won't be any arguments from you two? You know how she gets when she sees you.

Jack: Oh come on Cat, you know she won't be excited to see me. She'll blame me for taking you with me with the U.N.S.F for two years. I hope she gets over that.

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