Failed Rescue

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After the planet Trinity was consumed by the Flood so fast, they evacuated every civilian they could only save while the others were infected by the Flood unfortunately. The main ships of Commander Tai and Commander Miranda made it out alive with the main ship of the ARK as well.

Commander Tai: Yes...thank you

Commander Miranda: So, what did the U.N.S.C. say?

Commander Tai: They said, Commander Briggs's Planet Harmony has lots of room for civilians. Right now we just keep going.

Commander Miranda: Good...damn...that Flood shit is no joke. We have to stop this thing or else it'll spread like crazy! The scientists said that it'll be capable of adapting to a tech if it wants, all the military weapons and vehicles we left there are gonna be that thing's new weapons. This is getting out of control! We just lost a planet, our home! And those innocent people...

Commander Tai: Calm yourself, Miranda. We may have lost a home but we still have our power against those who wish us gone. It's not the end of us.

Max: Commander, you know where we're going?

Commander Tai: Just spoke with the U.N.S.C. We're going to Planet Harmony where Commander Briggs is at. How are you holding up?

Max: Doing fine unlike Cooper, he's different than before.

Commander Tai: I'm sorry about his sister. We'll do everything to find her, surely they took her for a reason so that means they aren't gonna kill her for no reason. How about you check on him? See if he's alright.

Max: Yeah, gonna go.

Max walks out of the office and walks out to see Caboose and Sergeant Johnson waiting for him outside.

Sergeant Johnson: So, Harmony?

Max: Yup, they said there's lots of room for us and the civilians. Excited Caboose?

Caboose: Excited...but looks like I lost two friends.

Max: Don't worry about Catherine, we'll get her back!

Caboose: Oh, I meant Andy! He wasn't very nice when he was eating everything.

Max: What the? Anyways, I'm gonna go check on Cooper, dude is not himself right now- huh?

Max gets an unknown call from someone.

Max: Hello? Who's this?

Genesis: Max it's me, Genesis!

Max: Genny? How are you contacting me? Did Cooper teach you?

Genesis: Don't know how I know it but I just did it like I've done it before.

Max: Thank the AI stuff! How's Cooper?

Genesis: Not good right now, we're in a room alone and he's just...silent. Didn't say one word to me, just looking down. I think losing Catherine hit him pretty hard.

Max: Yeah can't blame him, when he's alright tell him that we're going to Planet Harmony.

Genesis: Planet Harmony? Another planet of the U.N.S.C.?

Max: Yup, this one has the U.N.S.E. where Sarah Briggs is the commander. Caboose is one of the Titan pilots for them but somehow I don't know why they made him a pilot.

Genesis: At least these people are getting help. I wish I did something to help our home but my identity still has to be a secret.

Max: You know, you don't have to hide your identity since you're an AI! My commander can use a smart AI like you for assistance, plus you'll be the first AI partner for a Titan pilot.

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