Old "Friends" Reuniting

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Caboose: Catherine is gone...must...kill... everything!

The three of them run out of the science lab and hear the sirens go off with guns blazing and people screaming in fear.

Max: How the hell are we gonna get Catherine back?! Richter took her!

Jack: I don't know but we'll have to find out!

As they run outside they find themselves behind two Apex Soldiers shooting at their allies.

Jack: Come on!

Jack runs up behind one and jump knee kicks him in the face while Max takes one out from behind.

Jack runs up behind one and jump knee kicks him in the face while Max takes one out from behind

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Jack: You guys alright?!

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Jack: You guys alright?!

U.N.S.F Soldier: Yea- DROP POD!!

They look up to see a drop pod come down as more enemy soldiers come out and shoot at them as the three of them take cover behind the building. Jack takes a gun off the ground and fires at them, making quick work of them.

Jack: Alright they're gone! Any more of you guys?

U.N.S.F Soldier: Yeah we have some people that are injured but the other side has some of us. We're gonna need your help.

Max: My Titan is coming right now, I'll handle that side. Do what you can to find Catherine.

Jack: Yeah good luck, come on Caboose.

U.N.S.F Soldier: Thanks

Jack: Genesis how much ammo does this gun have?

Genesis: Wait, what? Uhhhh I guess 20 right now. This is very new to me so-

Jack: You'll get used to it trust me.

As they both run to the front of the building to see more warzones up ahead, soldiers taking cover and helping civilians to escape.

Commander Tai contacts Jack

Commander Tai: Cooper, where are you?!

Jack: Commander we're in front of the science building! They took my sister!

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