Knights Of Seiros

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It was morning and the attack against the village had already passed thanks to Jack and Max with their brutal killing and the help of Catherine and the U.N.S.E. Marines aiding the villagers who were in desperate need of help from these unknown divine people.

But none of them knew that they were getting a new visitor, a visitor who was in a hurry to help the village.

The horses ran as if they were a herd of cheetahs, being rushed by brave impatient knights who were desperate to aid the villagers and take revenge on the bandits who could've done the unthinkable to the villagers.

Knight: SIR ALOIS! Do you think we'll be able to get there in time?!

Alois: I don't know, but if they are indeed alive, I will not rest to take revenge on those goddamn bandits!



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It was morning, the fire that spread across the village was now gone, and the villagers who were injured were immediately taken in by Catherine and her team as their advanced technology quickly healed the wounds that looked too fatal to the villagers.

The people were confused and thought of these people as magic users, the metal rooms and unknown tools that helped their wounds were so unreal, that they couldn't believe their eyes. Many saw the doctors as strange beings with masks that lit up blue as if torches were behind the mask, and speaking of torches, the whole infirmary was lit up not by fire or torches, but by something different like magic.

Many were astounded by their technology and also felt calm and safe thanks to Catherine. Her care and amazing IQ for injuries left people thinking she was a wise woman who lived hundreds of years ordering her team around to do this and that in a quick light switch, causing them to instantly follow her order.

As the people were so amazed by their magic, one of the villagers had to know what exactly type of magic they had to use to possess the room and objects.

Medic: Magic? Heh, sorry, but none of this is magic! It's technology and science!

Female Villager: Technology?!

The villager was surprised as her eyes widened when the pain in her leg instantly vanished from one injection of a shot.

Female Villager: The pain... it's gone! It's gone! Oh, oh bless you! Thank the goddess, please, how will I repay you?!

Medic: Repay?! No need to, Ms! Almost every day we do this. Now, all I need you to do is get some rest.

Female Villager: But wait my friends...the people, will they share the same divine fate as me?!

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