Mafia boss- jonghoong

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Jongho had his beautiful baby girl. His life savior. His gf left him all by himself to take care of the baby. He was poor and no one believed in him. He started selling drugs and doing bad stud just to have a plate of food for his daughter. He beautiful daughter named Ángel. He always sang the song Ángel baby to her. 'Ángel get up ur going to school' Jongho said taking the blanket off her. 'Gosh dad I just wanna be warm' she said turning around. 'Go get ready' Jongho said. Jongho was now a powerful mafia boss. He was very rich. Had beautiful mansion, cars, his girl was decked out in designer clothe. 'Come on angel' jongho said. Jongho likes to drive her to school but he's always busy with work, but luckily he gets to take her all this week. 'I'm coming!' She said. Jongho was ready with her coat and backpack. She came down. He put on her coat and backpack.

They have the best daughter and father relationship. They play fight, they're always disagreeing with one another, never let's him be alone. 'Great bye ángel I'll see u later.' Jongho said. 'Bye dad, oh btw we're going to the cafe after school with my friends. Be there at 3:50 that's when my friends are gonna be there' she said. 'I'm gonna be there' he said. 'Great, also keep ur gun at home' she said and exited the car. 'Love you' Jongho said as rolled the window. She blew him a kiss.
He looked down and saw his gun in the open. 'Fuck' he said and tucked it in his pants. She knew what he did but wasn't surrounded but was aware. She really didn't care.

Jongho put on the most intimidating outfit he could have. He wore some grey 874's putting on his belt, he grabbed a tank top and put his gun in his waist band. He grabbed a black long sleeve and put a grey shirt on top. He grabbed some converse low tops and went on his way. He got there. He made sure men were outside everywhere. 'Checking in, make sure no one gets to close to my daughter, if I see I'll call u guys in' Jongho said and let his earpiece go. 'Hi dad' she said and hugged him. 'Hi baby, 'give me ur backpack' jongho said and put it in jer car. Yes her car. She had her own car. She can't even drive yet. Jongho drives it for her. But it's under her name. It was Hellcat.

They went inside. 'What are we even in here for' Jongho said. 'Some parent meeting, it's stupid' she said. 'I see that' jongho said. They sat down. Jongho passed her a case. 'God, really dad?' She said. 'Just put it in' Jongho said. She rolled her eyes. 'Dont eye roll me' she closed her eyes and did it again 'cut it out I said' jongho said. 'My eyes are close how can I eye roll if my eyes are closed' she said. 'Idk but I know ur doing it' Jongho said. 'Jerk' 'what'd u say?' Jongho said. 'Nothing!' She said. Jongho ignored her. She put on the earpiece. 'God I want a coffee' Jongho said. The rest of the parents of the parents were talking while Jongho was just on his phone like his daughter 'what do u think of this Choi?' One of the dick head dads said. 'Abt what' Jongho said still looking at his phone. 'What we're talking abt' he said. 'I wasn't listening' jongho said. 'How rude! Maybe if u paid attention u would know' he said. Jongho looked up and saw everyone get anxious. 'What'd u say to me?' Jongho said. 'U heard me' he said. 'Maybe cause I have a actual job, ahem a high paying job where I'm the boss-Leader or this job, so Im very busy unlike the unemployed dad thats talking to me' Jongho said. The guy gasped. 'That is so disgusting and disrespectful!' The guy said. Jongho and his daughter got their drinks. Jongho left a hundred on the table. 'Don't give a shit' Jongho said standing up leaving with his daughter. The rest of the ppl thought it was bad ass but the dad. 'Fuck off!' He said. 'What's ur name again?' Jongho said turning around. 'James' he said. 'Look back when ur walking' Jongho said and opened the door to leave with his daughter. 'Leaving sight' Jongho said pressing on his earpiece. He opened the door for his daughter. He got in the car. He burned tire. Smoke came out and the sound of the car was loud. He showed off to the guys van smoking it and speeding off. 'Good job dad' she said. She knew Jongho was coping with his anger. 'Thank u baby' Jongho said kissing her hand.

Jongho and ángel were sitting at jonghos bar. 'Plan out ur party' Jongho said giving her a piece of paper and pen and pencil. 'Dad it's like 2 months away' she said. 'And?' Jongho said. Jongho was to busy eating a donut. Even tho he hated sweets he craved them. 'It's kinda late' she said. 'So? Just plan it, don't care if it's small or big, whatever u want it's gonna be there. Cake and anything ' Jongho said. She smiled. 'Ur quinceañera' Jongho said. 'That's in a year' she said. 'I know, maybe u should start thinking abt that' Jongho said. She nodded. 'All that is going into this folder, u give it Maria as soon as ur done, ur quince one u give to me and I'll look over it with u' jongho said. She nodded. He saw the drawings she did. 'Color?' 'Red' 'theme' 'not fully finished' 'big or small' 'big' she said. He nodded 'I can make that work' he said. She smiled. 'Great finish it up and I'll keep it and we'll dress shopping when we Can' jongho said. She nodded.

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