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Seonghwa was in a kpop group, it was named universe, he was one of the main singers. He loved it, but he was just more cold and introverted, no one could melt his ice heart. He was always busy, and never wanted to do anything. 'Hyung, Can u help me with this' his member said. 'Gosh, all u have to do is this and click on this and do this, gosh' he said. He barely ever talked to them, he barely smiled, or laughed. He could never. 'Guys, u guys are gonna collab with a group' his manager said. Seonghwa was still on his phone. They all came out their rooms and went into the living where Seonghwa was sitting comfortably. He groaned when he saw that they were going there. 'It's gonna be quick' his manager said. 'It better' he said. 'This kpop group called infinity wants to collab with u guys' he said. 'Omg! I love them!' His team member said. 'Great so we know them' his manager said. They nodded.

'Great, u guys are gonna meet tomorrow morning-' 'ughh' seonghwa groaned. 'Umm yea remember be ready by 10 am' he said and got up and left. They all left. 'Seonghwa hyung Wanna Go to the store with me' one if his team members said. He didn't say anything and got up and grabbed his wallet. He wanted some chips. He waited by the door. He was there for abt 3 mins when he got annoyed. He saw his member just standing by the kitchen. 'What are u doing, i thought u wanted to go to the store' seonghwa said annoyed. 'Sorry Hyung' he said and grabbed his jacket and put on his shoes. 'Get a helmet we're going on my bike' seonghwa said and grabbed his and went outside to his garage. He grabbed his helmet and followed Seonghwa.

Seonghwa uncovered his black motorcycle. Seonghwa grabbed the keys and turned it on. He loved the sound. He got on waiting for his member. He put on his helmet and got on holding onto Seonghwa. He wrapped his arms around his waist getting closer. Seonghwa didn't mind much, it was one of his favorite members that he actually liked. He was cute and didn't bother him, so he barely said no to him. Seonghwa decided to go fast this time. 'Hold on to me tightly, or would u rathe fall' he said and made sure he held onto him tightly. He nodded and held him tighter. They got to the store. He took off his helmet and his hair was a bit long and black. His hair was messy, but he looked extremely hot with That messy hair. Eyes were all on him. Not that he cared.

He was in the store grabbing his needs and waited for his member. He came with a basket full of sweets. Seonghwa put it in the counter to count it all up. Seonghwa paid for it, with no complaints or hesitation. 'I was gonna pay-' a bag full of goods were shoved into his hands. He decided to shut up. 'Put them in the seat' seonghwa said. He nodded. 'I just got a message saying we have to go the company' his member said. Seonghwa groaned. 'Get on' seonghwa said. He nodded and held onto him tight. They made it before the others did. 'Suckers! Seonghwa hyung got me here first!' His member said as the rest came in through the door: Seonghwa sighed as he watched his phone, his legs crossed and his head resting in his hand. 'I wanna ride with Seonghwa!' They said. One of them didn't. They didn't like Seonghwa at all, just for his cold actions. Not that Seonghwa cared, he barely even knew him.

Seonghwa had the member he rode with next to him. 'Seonghwa Wanna take a selfie' he said. Seonghwa nodded no. 'Pls just one! It's for our Instagram!' He said. After a bit of bothering Seonghwa agreed. 'Pose!' His member said. Seonghwa held a peace sign, but a cold face. 'Smile' he said. 'No' seonghwa said. He took just like that without Seonghwa knowing. 'Smile!' He said. He nodded no. 'Smile' they went back in forth for a while that he accidentally took a pic where Seonghwa looked really funny. 'Look Seonghwa hyung! U look so funny!' He said and laughed. Seonghwa hated it. 'Leave me alone' he said. 'No' he gave him a side hug. Seonghwa was basically a mother of the group, but didn't like being it, he didn't show much but still wanted to be a good leader. He just put his arm around him.

They were waiting in the room, Seonghwa with his member hugging him as they watched a movie on Seonghwas phone. 'Universe, leader park Seonghwa I need u to listen the most' the manager of the group said. Seonghwa turned off his phone and groaned. He looked at him. 'The collaboration tomorrow, we need u to know all of them' he said. 'I already do' seonghwa said. 'How' one of his members said. 'Old friend with one of them and met them when they were trainees.' He said. 'Great, now tomorrow, u guys are gonna meet up, get to know each other, have dinner together and then after that day we'll start working, sound good' he said. They nodded. 'Great u guys can go home now' he said. 'All that for this bullshit' seonghwa said and got up and left. 'Seonghwa Can i ride with u again' he said. 'Hey u already rode with Seonghwa!' They said. Seonghwa nodded and gave him his helmet. 'Not like that' seonghwa said as he fixed his helmet. Seonghwa got on and so did his member holding him tightly.

Ateez | Oneshots. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن