Eres mio-yeohwa

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Seonghwa was told that yeosangs boyfriend was a boring bitch. Seonghwa knew. Seonghwa has tried to get with yeosang as tried to hang out with him but no. His boyfriends friend would tell him that mr jealousy over here said that seonghwa didn't want him being friends or talking with yeosang. Yeosangs boyfriend thinks he's just a asshole and that he'll take his little flower away. Which was what seonghwa wanted. He wanted his boyfriend, aka Yeosang.

Seonghwa already knew what he wanted. He just wanted to be in yeosangs room both of them alone and make him his. He'll then blame it that he had to much to drink of yeosang didn't approve of such a move that seonghwa had. Seonghwa was Spanish. His father was a Spanish man and seonghwa grew up speaking Spanish. He wanted to seduce yeosang by speaking Spanish, seonghwa found out that yeosang really likes the language. Another bonus for him. He just really wanted the bky, he wanted Yeosang to be his and only his. I want him to be mine. Is what seonghwa says every time he thinks of him. He's being selfish, he just wants yeosang to himself.

Seonghwa invited yeosang to go hang out at a cafe. And seonghwa was getting ready one hour early just to be perfect. He put on a white shirt, black jeans, and a long coat with some dr Martins. He parted his hair, his hair was a bit long ,brown, fluffy, silky hair. All he did was part it and brush it down. He brought a beanie just in case it colder. His phone and a portable charger and his wallet, how would he make his crush pay?. He got there 5 minutes early. He got a table for them. It was a table all the way to the end at the corner, he knew yeosang was introverted so he made sure It was clean and it was the way he liked it. Yeosang was five minutes late. Not that seonghwa cared. 'Hi hwa, I'm sorry that I was late, there was traffic, hopefully I didn't keep u waiting' yeoaang said.

'Oh no, I just got here, it's all fine' seonghwa said and pulled out his chair. He sat down and seonghwa pushed him in. 'Tysm Hwa' yeosang said. Seonghwa smiled at the nickname and almost blushed. 'No problem Yeo, here let's get something to eat, it's all on me so get whatever u want' seonghwa said. 'Oh Hwa, no I have my mone-' yeosang said. 'No, it's my treat, I wanna treat u' seonghwa said. 'Are u sure I can-' yeosang said. 'I'm sure, I want this to be a special meal for the both of us' seonghwa said. 'Tysm Hwa' yeosang said. 'No problem Yeo' seonghwa said and smiled at him. They ordered whatever they wanted. 'I was thinking, we could take some friends up to the mountains and maybe just be in the snow and we rent a cabin' seonghwa said. 'Yea I see why not, if we do go can my bf go' Yeosang said. Seonghwa thought abt it but he just hated hearing "my bf" out of Yeosangs mouth. But if it was Seonghwa he would be so happy.

'I see why not, I was thinking just friends, but it's fine' seonghwa said. 'Thx Hwa, I really think we should go, what abt Yunho, Mingi, and the rest I don't wanna name them all' Yeosang said. Seonghwa giggled. 'I was thinking all 6 of them, and both of us, and ur bf if he wants to come since he doesn't really like me, but it's totally fine, we could go, snow boarding, go eat out, have some fun, yk just a friend reunion since high school' seonghwa said. 'Ur right, it's been so long since we been all together, but yk it's adult life now, everybodys working and working to get bands' Yeosang said. 'True, we really should go before Christmas, or even spend Christmas together, we could just spend Christmas with each other, if they want to ofc, depends on what happens, if not yk we go our separate ways' seonghwa said. They got what they ordered and Yeosang was excited. 'Sorry Hwa, I haven't eaten and I'm starving' Yeosang said.

Seonghwa giggled at the boy as he digged in his chocolate bread with a hot chocolate. 'U eat up Yeosang, if u want i can order u more' seonghwa said. 'Oh no I'm fine, I just really needed something, plus I get full very quickly' Yeosang said. 'Anyways, back to what we were talking abt, I really would like to spend Christmas with each other, I don't really even see my family so I don't see the point of going with them' Yeosang said. 'Mine are always behind me nowadays, but I'm not the Christmas type of guy, I don't celebrate things that big, but we'll see what we'll do' seonghwa said. He got a cappuccino, it was great for the cold. He got liquid going down his throat just made everything better, The coldness went away when u sipped it. 'I love celebrating stuff, I just don't go all our, but I would really like to spend Christmas together, let's make the gc we made years ago not dry again and talk abt what we should do' Yeosang said.

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