The bad boy-yunsang

810 11 1

(Gang violence, cartel)

Yunho was the definition of a bad boy. Ppl assumed he did drugs, he was in a gang, he didn't the worst shit in school, his dad was a gang leader, his family works for the cartel, most of his family are gang leaders or are in gangs, let's just say Yunho is following his dads dreams. His babyboy that was not innocent is gonna bring back his dads gang back to life. And he's gonna make sure everybody knew he was back. Meanwhile yeosang on the other hand was a sweet innocent kind boy who was a nerd and was in love with Yunho. He was getting to school until he heard the motor of a motorcycle coming toward and turned behind him.

He saw Yunho and his gang feet's away all in big black and different colors motorcycles. They parked their motorcycles and Yunho took off his helmet as he gets off. Yeosang admired him as the boys hair messed up a bit. Yunho looked so hot in yeosangs eyes, yeosang got the heart eyes. Yunho caught him and smirked, he winked at him and did a small kiss to him. Yeosang thought he was dreaming. He rushed inside the school and went to his locker. He grabbed his phone and pulled out his camera and made sure he looked okay. He put it away and grabbed the book he needed. As Yunho came in he saw yeosang looking at him a bit. Yunho smirked and just popped a lollie.

Yeosang had all his classes with Yunho, Yunho would look at the boy ever since he caught him look at him. Yeosang got so many flying kisses and winks from Yunho that day. He was in love with the wrong person. 'Fuck Kang ur in love with a gang leader' yeosang said in his mind. He was trying to focus but it was a bit hard as he felt Yunhos stares.

During lunch yeosang had his packed and sat down. Yunho got to cut line whenever he wanted, and he got special lunch for him, that's how powerful he was. He went to yeosangs table. He put his tray down in front of him. 'Get away' Yunho snapped at them. They listens and left giving them privacy. Yeosang had gimbap, Tteobokki and some kimchi, some water and yoghurt to wash it down. He got two for wooyoung but he got sick today and couldn't come. He was a bit down. He looked up and saw Yunho. He gasped a bit to loud. 'What, u have never seen a person?' Yunho said with his cold voice looking at him.

'I-I-I-I ofc I have' Yeosang stuttered since his crush was right in front of him. Yunho sat down and stretched out his arm and grabbed yeosangs name tag. 'Kang Yeosang, pretty name princess' Yunho said and let him go. 'I- princess?' Yeosang was shocked by the name. 'What don't like it, to bad get used to it' Yunho said. 'It's not that-' he was trying to explain. 'Oh so u like me calling u princess?' Yunho started to tease him. 'Y- Wait- What-? I um- no- idk' Yeosang was just stressed. 'Ur good, what u got' Yunho said and grabbed his lunchbox. 'Gimbap and tteok' Yeosang said. 'Can i have some' Yunho said.

'My friend isnt here and i usually pack him, so yea here take this one' Yeosang gave him the box he usually have to Wooyoung but he is sick. Yeosang gave him a yoghurt, Wooyoung and Yeosang usually shared the water bottle since it was a big container. Yeosang gave him a pair of utensils and went back to eating. He opened the tin it was full of Tteobokki. 'Here I usually share with my friend but it's fine if u don't want to' Yeosang said and pushed the tin towards him. 'No, we'll share, it's urs anyways' Yunho said and put in the center. They ate in silence until Yunho broke it. 'Why are u giving me this?' Yunho said. 'Wdym' Yeosang looked up at him.

'Well, yk Im in a gang and ppl are scared of me, why aren't u scared of me' Yunho said. Deep down inside Yeosang was a bit scared of him. 'I mean I just don't see the reason to be scared, but I will say I am a scaredy cat, well my friend says' Yeosang said. 'I like u' Yunho said. 'I'm jk, I am scared, I just want u' Yeosang mumbled to himself. 'What u say?' Yunho said. 'Huh nothin' Yeosang said. Yunho shrugged and kept eating. The bell was gonna ring in another 10 minutes and Yunho was done. 'What do I gotta do for u to bring me 2 of these' Yunho said and showed him the yoghurt bottle.

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