Come home soon- yunsang

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Yeosang was going to the last day of school of 8th grade. He was dropped off. He sees Yunho at the gate. His best friend. 'Yunnie!' Yeosang ran to him. They gave each other a guy. But Yunho didn't look very happy. 'Yunnie, why are u so sad? It's the last day of school!' Yeosang said. 'Yeosang im not gonna live here anymore' Yunho said. He looked he was abt to cry. Yeosang was confused. 'Wdym ur not gonna live here' yeosang said. 'I'm leaving to America yeosang, I'm not staying here anymore' Yunho shed a tear. 'Yunnie stop saying that, ur joking' yeosang started giggling. 'I'm not lying yeosang im leaving, I have to, I never wanted to leave, I never wanted to leave ur side, believe me I'm sad and mad too, but I have to go sang' Yunho started crying. 'But we can still contact right? MySpace, and call' yeosang said. 'Yes we can, I just have to leave' Yunho said.

It was the end of the day. Yeosang stayed with Yunho to the last bit. 'Bye yeosang, I'll miss u, and I love u' Yunho said and gave him a hug. The hug was tight and in tears. 'I don't want u to leave yunnie, just stay pls! No! Yunho! No!' They had to be pulled away by their parents. Luckily Yunho got out his parents grip and gave yeosang another hug. 'Just know that we will always stay together no matter what, and remember that we will always be yunsang and nothing else' Yunho started sobbing saying the words. 'We will always be no matter what' yeosang hugged him even tighter. Yunho got pulled away. He was put in a car. Yeosang was sobbing. Yunho looked out the window and looked at yeosang. He started sobbing and waving at him. 'Bye yunnie...' yeosang was still sobbing.

It was Yeosangs sophomore year. He has always been quiet, depressed, and just sad and introverted in general. He lost contact with Yunho and he's been depressed ever since. He just missed him so much. 'Honey where something presentable ur going to school not staying in' his mom said. Yeosang was wearing a black hoodie and black pants. 'I don't need to look presentable, they're even lucky I'm there' yeosang said. He just grabbed a water and left. 'Bye honey love you!' His mom said and he saw him leave. 'Bye' yeosang said and left. No one could love him until Yunho came back. That was the only real love he felt. 'Just come back' yeosang said to himself as he walked to school.
No he wasn't broke. He was rich, just loved doing his own thing.

Yeosang was graduating from high school. One of the worsts days of the year. The day Yunho left. 'I want u to smile in the picture yeosang' his mom said. 'Nope' yeosang said and went into the school. 'What's wrong with him, he has everything he wants, he has rich parents, has one of the biggest house in the whole entire country and still acts like that' his mom said. 'Honey, do u not remember? His friend, Yunho, 5 years ago, remember him being sad and mad that he lost contact with him' his dad said. 'What's so special abt him! He can get other friends' his mom said. 'He was the only actual friend he's ever had' his dad said. 'Whatever' she said.

Yeosang was called up to get his diploma. He's shocked he even passed. He grabbed it and went next to his teacher showing his diploma. He got lots of cheers. He was very pretty, just depressed. 'Congratulations Kang' his principal shook his hand. Yeosang just shook his hand and bowed and tried to get off the stage ASAP. His mom was mad at him. He was outside ready to leave. He saw his mom storming to him. He was walking out the school. 'Yah! Kang yeosang! Why won't u smile! I did everything for u! For u not to even take a nice picture' his mom yelled at him. 'Ur mad abt the picture? Thought u were just gonna blame me and then scream at me on how a disappointment I am, but here, since u don't see that I worked all this just for ur stupid company. Leave me alone and don't even talk to me, ur a fucking bitch' yeosang threw his diploma at his mom.

He got home furious. He threw around a bunch of stuff. 'All this just for her to be mad at me, after everything I did for her when I wasn't even with Yunho' yeosang started throwing a bunch of vases. Yeosang went to his room slamming his door and stayed there the whole night. He basically ripped off his graduation gown. He turned off all the lights closed his curtains closed the doors windows everything. Now he was alone. In the dark room on his bed laying on his back. 'I just wish u were here yunnie' yeosang sobbed. He spent hours thinking how he is and what's hes doing. 'Oh my sweet yunnie, my sweetheart, i would kill to see u again' yeosang smiled and sobbed as he remembered the memories, laughing and giggling at the stupid and embarrassing memories. 'Oh my sweet boy, he was never embarrassed' yeosang smiled at the thought.

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