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A CELEBRATION WAS put in place that night to honour the newly King's and Queen's of Narnia — all of the creatures you could ever imagine were there, and each one of them had arrived to commemorate these five children, and them only, along with the battle they had proudly taken the victor for.

The entire event was one reason a smile was placed upon Dolores' face, as was her freshly given title 'the dependable'. However, who else had the power to plaster such a smile across one's face other than Edmund Pevensie himself? The answer to that question is simply no one. For once in Dolores' thirteen years of living she truly felt happy for all she's achieved and for the outcome, the throne that is. Though there is absolutely no way she would have gone along with it if Edmund wasn't by her side. If he wasn't there it only meant one thing, he was not safe, and she honestly doesn't think she could handle such a thing again.

So far the entire evening had consisted on far more dancing than one could take on themselves, most ending in laughter due to the silliness of their so called dancing skills. Yet another thing was nothing but smiles — for the first time in two weeks everyone felt at peace, content. And if Dolores' people were jovial, she was jovial, now and forever these were to be her people and she was sure to make a pretty good job out of protecting them.

Dolores hadn't moved herself out of her throne at all that evening, she simply couldn't, the joys of watching the Narnian's along with the Pevensie's enjoy themselves was enough to keep her needs satisfied. What was the point in moving if she had the perfect view of all those who meant the most to her right where she was? There wasn't.

She couldn't help but giggle to herself upon watching Lucy and Mr Tumnus attempt to dance with one another, she must admit that by the looks of them it seemed as if neither one of them had the slightest idea on what they were actually doing, yet not a single frown was scattered across their faces, they were having fun, and that is all that mattered to Dolores.

"Edmund can't keep his eyes off of you." Peter chuckled, causing him to startle the girl with his sudden appearance. He walked over to Dolores smiling as he leaned his body against the arm of her throne. "He's been wondering when you're actually going to get up from here and join us."

Dolores stifled a gentle laugh, "I'm sorry for not coming over to you guys sooner, i've just been so caught up in the moment of admiring you all that I completely forgot." she explained, looking up at him with a sympathetic smile, "Anyways, if Edmund wanted me down there so badly why didn't he just come and speak to me himself?"

Peter shook his head whilst chuckling, "You know what he's like Dolores, he didn't want you to think he was bothering you so he thought it would be best to leave you be." he told her, causing her face to soften, "How are you liking this party so far?"

"I must say i'm loving it, watching you all attempt to dance is quite the entertainment." she joked, causing Peter to roll his eyes playfully, "In all seriousness though, i'm proud of you Pete, we wouldn't have made it here if it wasn't for you, so thank you. And thank you for being so determined on finding your brother, I know you two are often in arguments but just knowing you never once gave up on looking for him just proves the love you hold for him."

He sent her a smile in reply before raising his eyebrows at a thought, "Would you like to dance?" he asked, her eyes growing wide, "I see you've been sat here judging everyone else's abilities. How about we put yours to the test?"

Worthy Of Love | Edmund PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now