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"GA-STRO-VAS-CULAR." Susan spoke, reading from what appeared to be some sort of ginormous dictionary. The five were that bored that it had gotten to the extent of playing around with a dictionary and guessing what each word meant, even Dolores could admit that this type of game was by far not in her fun books. The rain splatted down the window as a grumpy Lucy stared out of it, the weather reflecting everyone's mood having a great impact on how they were feeling.

The day prior to this the group had planned a lovely day out, sitting in Dolores' back garden and enlightening themselves with all sorts of fun, day activities. However, if you haven't guessed already the weather had other plans instead, filling the morning with nothing but rain and wind, once again trapping the group inside with absolutely nothing to do.

Edmund and Dolores shared a look as Susan kept attempting to encourage Peter to carry on with her game, "Come on Peter! Gastrovascular." she repeated causing the eldest Pevensie boy to look over to her with a look of pure boredom.

"Is it Latin?" he sighed before rolling his eyes, there was plenty of other things he'd rather be doing right now than joining in on some terrible game his sister had made up, but as always, he was a people pleaser and continued to satisfy her wants. Even if that included taking part in such games like this.

"Yes." Susan replied as she slumped back in her seat huffing.

It wasn't long before Edmund poked his head out from underneath a chair, a chair he'd been trying to entertain himself with for some odd reason. He quickly shared a cheeky grin with Peter before speaking up towards his sister, "Is it Latin for worst game ever invented?" he asked, earning a chuckle from his former relatives, other than Susan, and a slight giggle also came out of Dolores.

Edmund smiled at the sight of Dolores laughing along with his side remark, feeling rather proud of himself for achieving to do so. Susan gave him a so called death stare before slamming the book shut in frustration. Lucy, who took it upon herself to suggest another sort of game, smiled to herself at this given opportunity, "We could play hide and seek?" she questioned hopping down from her chair and walking over to the group.

Peter glanced at her before looking over to Susan, "But we're already having soo much fun!" he stated, his manner seeming sarcastic as he exaggerated that 'so'.

"I think it's a wonderful idea." Dolores smiled sitting up from her lying position, "It's the best option we've got at this rate."

Lucy latched onto his arm and started shaking it slightly as she begged him in order to get her own way, "Come on Peter, please!" she cried looking down at Dolores and Edmund for help.

Edmund just sat there looking miserable as ever whereas Dolores stood up deciding to join in on Lucy's asking, "Yes Peter, come on, it'll be fun!"

Peter stared at her for a while, thinking about whether he should go ahead with the suggestion or not. After a few seconds of conversing with himself silently, the corner of his lip quirked up giving the two a soft smile, "One . . .Two . . . Three . . ."

Lucy's face had suddenly twisted into a wide smile as she ran away from the group readying her hiding spot, as did Susan. However, Edmund groaned in annoyance and rolled his eyes, "What?" But upon seeing how content and exited this made Dolores feel, he rose to his feet, his feelings taking over as he grabbed her hand, dragging the girl away from his brother.

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