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THE SIX OF THEM for the final ever time took their last hike in the snow; only this time it was for a reason with a good outcome, not because they were escaping the depths of danger. It was almost a bittersweet moment knowing this would be their last ever time of grasping the sightings of the snow, it made everything look so ethereal.

Dolores took every opportunity she was granted to drive her vision into the landscape, the scenery was far too pretty to not do so. She knew deep down that she would miss such sightings like these yet the entire reason it was bittersweet was that once the snow was gone — meaning winter was over, the Narnian's would be one step closer to gaining the privilege of having their home back, and that thought alone made her happy.

The Beaver's went first, leading the group hand in hand feeling proud for all they've accomplished on this journey with the Pevensie's and the singular Kirke girl. Dolores was far more than grateful for earning the pleasure of having the Beaver's by her side entire time — they're small, yet wonderful creatures and she made a mental note to personally thank them for all they've done for her and her friends.

The further they walked the more the trees were losing their coat of snow and the more the ground was slowly crawling out of its snowy blanket. Instead, both were replaced with green and pink leaves dancing around through the wind — everything around them seemed so delightful to the group, everything was so happy.

They continued on with their walk through the wood, everyone was silent, not an uncomfortable silence though, more of a silence that was very much needed. A silence that gave everyone time to reflect on all they've been through and a time to restore their thankfulness for managing to make it out alive despite everything they've done.

A sense of comfort washed over their bodies as the final coat of snow had disappeared, now showing nothing but greenery, spring was here. Spring was what Narnia had been longing for, what it had been wishing for, for over a hundred years this place had gone without a season other than winter and finally, finally one had arrived.

Dolores smiled at Susan before taking off her coat and carefully placing it upon one of the tree branches, the Pevensie's copied her action by doing the exact same. Somehow, taking off those coats felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off of their shoulders, as if that one, simple action had just proved they were almost at peace — they were close, and closer they shall get if they continue having faith in not only themselves, but Aslan himself.

Throughout the walk everyone — including the Beaver's — had thought about how this experience with Aslan may actually go. Of course none of their expectations were correct considering you had to meet him in the flesh to actually think such great thoughts. However, they were just a matter of moments away from being able to do so, the thought of it was almost thrilling.

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The time had arrived, the time they had all been waiting for ever since they caught a glimpse of Edmund falling into the Witches trap and walking into her castle, they had made it to Aslan's How. Only the actual experience of it was much more nerve racking than they had imagined.

Dolores felt a little shaky due to the lack of self confidence she had walking into a place with this many animals, well in this case creatures. She began twiddling with her hair until Susan placed her hand in her own to calm her nerves. The girl looked at Susan with a shimmer in her eye as a sign of thankfulness whilst she gave her hand a slight squeeze, "It'll be okay." Susan reminded her, "We'll be here with you through everything, you're family now."

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