"Link" I say nodding towards him trying so hard to keep the tears inside my eyes

"Zelda" he whispers before turning to speak to Sidon and Mipha pulls me aside

"Hey what happened between you two?" Mipha asks "sorry I don't mean to pry" she adds quickly and I shake my head

"I...we broke up" I say with a weak smile

"Oh I am terribly sorry" she said with a genuine saddness in her voice

"Zel come on! Im taking you swimming!" Impa yells running over from talking with Sidon and Link before dragging me to her car "are you ok staying here?" She asks getting into the back of the car "say the word and we can leave right now" she adds

"Im fine" I said and she gave me a soft nod before we both take off our clothes leaving us in our swimming costumes

We leave the car and immediately Impa grabs my hand and runs towards the sea "IMPA!" I scream as we near the blue waves, blue just like Link's eyes

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I feel the coldness of the ocean "Impa its so cold" I say but she just brings me further into the sea

"Its ok bring your shoulders under and you'll get warmer" she tells me so I do as she tells me, I felt someone stare into my back so I turn around to see both Link and Ganondorf staring at me

"Impa" I say tears threatening to fall as I hide behind her "Impa Ganondorf is here" I whisper to her

"Do you want to leave?" She asks me and I nod

"Impa I cant breathe" I say as we walk towards the shore

"Its ok we're so close to the shore" she says as I squeeze her hand

"Ok" I says focusing on my breathing

"See we're here now" she says trying to sooth me

"Yep" I say finally regulating my breathing

"Are you ok?" She asks and I nod

"Im ok" I say giving one deep breath before smiling at her

"Thats not good" she says looking past me

"What?" I say trying to turn around but she stops me by bringing me into a hug

"I swear to god Ganondorf if you touch her" I hear Link yell and I manage to get out of Impa's hug and I stand next to her

"Impa can we please leave" I say a sense of urgency in my voice

"Yes" she says taking my hand and leading me towards the carpark

"Impa" I say feeling light headed

"Yeah?" She says

"LINK!" Mipha yells "LINK STOP IT" she yells so I turn around to see what Mipha was yelling about, Link was beating up Ganondorf but Ganondorf smacked Link before switching there position "SIDON HELP!" Mipha begged for her brother to get Ganondorf off of Link

I run over to where Link and Ganondorf were fighting and grab Ganondorf's shoulders "please get off of him!" I cry but Ganondorf doesn't stop "You can do whatever you like with me but Please leave Link alone!" I say and he finally stops punching Link

"Zelda what are you doing?" Impa asks "Get away from him!" She says dragging me away from Ganondorf "you don't know what your saying!" She says

"As long as he leaves Link alone it'll be fine" I say tears in my eyes

"You comin' sweetheart?" He asks, I desperately don't want to go with him its hardly been an 2 hours and I already miss Link

"No she's not leaving with you" Impa says "unless i come too" she adds but he shakes his head

"Nah you're not really my type" he says pushing past her grabbing my arm

"Are you a woman?" Impa asks him

"Do I look like a woman?" He replies turning to look at her and I see Mipha helping Link in the corner of my eye

"Well your not my type ever so are we going or not?" She says walking towards the carpark so he follows her "so these are the rules sweetheart you don't touch Zelda so you have to let go of her" Impa says and I'm shocked by her confidence

After a lot of hard staring he let go of my arm Impa grabbed it and she ran to her car. She locks her doors and drives away as quickly as she can "are you ok?" She asks her breathing being faster instead of mine

"Thank you" I say no tears left in my body

"No problem I wasn't letting that piece of shit take you to his on your own" she says still driving dangerous fast

"Imp maybe you should slow down you could get a fine or worse" I say and she eventually slows down

"Get into the house and lock the doors, Im calling Urbosa" she said shooing me into Urbosa's house

I knock on the door frantically, hoping that Ganondorf didn't follow us "come in" Urbosa says pulling me inside

"Why are you in a bikini?" Tay asks and I just stand infront of the door in silence

"Umm I ran out of the sea with Impa" I say feeling numb "father was right and I broke up with Link but he still protected me and so did Impa" I say to Urbosa before walking up the stairs

"Where are you going?" Tay asks me

"Im still in this stupid bikini, I've been stared at by Ganondorf Dragmire so forgive me if I want my body to be on show any longer" I snap at Tay before walking into my room and locking the door

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