He placed her in the crib and fell asleep on the couch but woke to the vibration of his mobile. He saw it was Mithun's call and walked out of the room closing the door behind him. Mithun was standing outside the room and he checked Reyansh if he was fine.

Reyansh: Deii enakku onnum illa. Naa nalla dhan irukken. ( Hey, nothing happened to me. I m fine)

Mithun: Paithiyam, nalla irundha yedhukku hospital la irukka ? ( Crazy fellow, if you are fine then why are you at the hospital ?)

Reyansh: Adhu dhan enakkum theriyala da. Naa yen inga irukken nu enakke theriyala. ( I too don't know that. I don't know why I am staying here )

Mithun: Arghhh, will you be clear on why you reached here ?

Before Reyansh could reply a nurse came over and gave a paper to him.

Nurse: Sir, buy this medicines for your wife. She has to take them after breakfast.

Mithun: Wife ah ? 

Mithun choked on his saliva and Reyansh held his hand and smiled at the nurse replying that he will get them. Once the nurse was gone Mithun pushed Reyansh against the wall.

Mithun: Deii avala kalyanam pannitiya ? Verum fling dhane sonna ? ( Hey, you married her ? You said she was just a fling right?)

Reyansh: Ava illa da. Iva vera. ( this is not her. She is different )

Reyansh explained everything and Mithun hugged Reyansh immediately.

Mithun: See my words came true and my dream is coming into reality. You promised to marry the angel who will cross your path. Now don't go back on your words.

Reyansh: Idiot, she has given birth to twins.

Mithun: So what ?

Reyansh: God Mithun... she must be married or has a boy friend for whom she has twins.

Mithun went silent and Reyansh continued further.

Reyansh: Problem is she doesn't speak anything about her family to contact them, not even about her husband to let him know about her and the babies. She started crying and I stopped asking and called you here to decide what should we do now.

Mithun: Call Asha aunty, she will talk to her. May be she will be comfortable to talk to a woman.

Reyansh: You proved of having brains.

Mithun: and you proved that you lack that forever. Move aside let me have a look at her and the babies.

Reyansh called Asha and informed her to arrive at the hospital with the driver and walked in with Mithun.

Mithun saw Vaishnavi asleep and the babies in the crib. He bent and was about to touch the baby but Reyansh held his hand and shook his hand as no.

Reyansh: Your hands might carry germs so don't touch them. They are very pure and cute so stay away and don't spread the germs on my muffins.

Mithun stood with his hands on his hip glaring at Reyansh.

Mithun: If I m carrying germs then what about you ? At least I bathed after returning home last night but you are still in the same dress from yesterday morning. And when did they become your muffins ?

Reyansh pulled Mithun out of the room and settled on the couch like a kid in excitement.

Reyansh: Mithun, you won't believe me I was the first to take them after they were born. They were so soft, cute and trust me they both looked at me like they knew me. 

He kept ranting and Mithun smiled to see the smile on his friend's face. He stopped Reyansh and gave dress to change and they walked back to the room. Reyansh entered the washroom to change and Vaishnavi woke up hearing the baby cry but was shocked to see Mithun in the room.

Vaishu: Who are you ? Please leave my baby.. I beg you please..

Mithun: Relax, I m Reyansh's friend and he called me here. I m no harm to you or the babies. Rey is in the washroom changing. Please calm down. I don't know to carry the baby or I would help you to get them. Let me call the nurse.

Mithun quickly pressed the bell to call the nurse but Reyansh came out in a hurry as he too heard the baby crying and picked the boy in his arm and gave him to Vaishnavi and carried the girl in his arm.

Reyansh: How come you both start crying at the same time ?

Reyansh nudged Mithun to leave the room and they walked out with the girl. Mithun saw all Reyansh's attention was on the baby in his arm.

Mithun: Rey, we need to leave once her family is here to take care of her. 

Reyansh's smile dropped and he looked at Mithun giving him a nod. Seeing the nurse he gave the girl to her and he went to the pharmacy to get the tablets for Vaishanvi.

Mithun: What if someone saw you here with Vaishnavi ? you will be all over the news do you know that ? Hot topic will be that you got your fling pregnant.

Reyansh: Do me a help and clear of all the footages and inform the doctor to handle everything.  As soon as Asha maa is here we will get information about her family and leave after informing them.

Mithun patted his shoulder and they returned to the room and saw nurse helping Vaishavi to the washroom so they waited out. After helping Vaishnavi the nurse walked out and met Reyansh.

Nurse: Sir, you haven't got any dress for your wife and babies ? Get them some clothes, your wife can't be in he hospital gown for long and your babies are still draped in the towel alone. You can buy them clothes of your choice.

Reyansh: I m sorry, I will get it now.

Mithun: We will leave after Asha aunty is here to take care of her.

They entered the room and Reyansh saw Vaishu's hair was braided and she looked so fresh and a little better but still her eyes held so much pain not meeting his eyes at all. Mithun sat on the chair next to the bed and smiled at Vaishnavi.

Mithun: Hi Vaishnavi, your babies are so cute. Reyansh has called Asha aunty to help you. She works for him taking care of his home and is also like a mother to him. You can consider me as your brother and a best friend too. Don't worry and stay relaxed.

Vaishnavi did not speak but nodded her head with a little smile that only Reyansh noticed as he didn't avert his gaze from her face. He felt jealous on Mithun for being able to bring a smile on her face.

Mithun's mobile rang with call from Asha and he called Reyansh with him. They saw Asha out side the room and explained everything to her.

Reyansh: Asha maa talk to her and try to know if she has someone whom we can call to take care of her. If she wants to be sent somewhere we can arrange for that too. 

Asha: Don't worry Rey I will talk to her.

They returned to the room and Mithun was about to speak but Reyansh stopped him and moved towards Vaishnavi.

Reyansh: She is Asha maa and she will help you. I m going out and will be back in some time.

She raised her head and for a nano second their eyes met and she nodded her head looking down again. Those nano seconds felt like eternity for Reyansh and he couldn't remove the image of her eyes from his mind.

Reyansh Mv: Will I be considered bad and selfish if I wished there was no one for her and I can let her stay with me. Those muffins will be in my eye sight. I will smile more with them around me.



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Billionaire's Angel ( Completed )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora